Wrapping the Viking Headers

Did you give the pipes a real and I mean a real good clean before wrapping them?
No, I did not. I only wiped them off. I did not even knock the rust off that had developed. I'm not sure what product would work for that that would not ruin the chrome ceramic coating. I guess it wouldn't matter at this point as the rust is there already.

I had a professional critique my work at the shop the other day. What I thought was a tight wrap is nowhere near tight enough he tells me. He agreed with others here that I should have soaked this type in water first. He also told me that with any of the wraps, coat my hands and arms with baby powder first, then put on rubber gloves, (he used dish washing gloves) and wear old clothes that I don't mind tossing if the fibers get out of control.

I mentioned that I thought I would go with titanium wraps and he he said they are better and less fuss, no need to coat.

So, it looks like I will redo this sometime in the near future.
I bought some exhaust shields on Amazon and put them on last night after super. I used my bright LED light outside and attached them to the headers. The two up top are too long and the one down low needed to have longer clamps to put it where I wanted it to go. The collector needs bigger clamps and longer shield for sure and is an area that burns my calf when stopped. I need to make friends with a local fabricator I think...
Well, the shields do help protect my leg, but what will protect the shields. Evidently, these Amazon specials are not thick enough to save themselves. I noticed this when I got off the bike at work this morning.
Lava Rock??

I suppose that video would work hear as well. I just don't have the rock slicer handy.

I may take Brahma to the dyno tuner in Maryland I once considered and maybe get the tune adjusted more than it is now.