Wow !!!!

After 8400 miles in 6 months I still get a woody on the rocket. Never has there been a more appropriate name.
I ride with a group of hardleys almost every saturday, and they tried to give me some grief til I managed to show them that every time we ride, we average 1 hardly having a mechanical problem of some kind. Yesterday it was 3 bikes out of 11 total, including me, that had a problem.
They know they cant run with me, or take curves with me, and I match their fuel mileage, I spent less on my bike, and Im not a clone. Pisses them off when we walk out of a restraunt and I yell, "Anybody seen my Harley? It's the black one. With lots of chrome. Gotta be unique, ya know?"
Glad to hear you feel the same way I did, and realize that the time you spend talking to people gawking at your bike will be something you have to get used to.
Alternate uses...

Welcome Rick!

I put my old HD out in the yard and hung flower pots off of it. See, they are good for something....

I wonder if you could turn an old HD into a garden implement. Maybe a roto tiller or something.

Last spring I saw a guy pulling a chisel plow with his Dodge Ram pickup. Tractor musta been broken.....Probably a JD.
I had to pick up my jaw from the ground the other day, as i was pulling away from a set of lights i got a wave from a HD rider going the other way, so i gave a big grin and flogged it hard just to show him what he is missing. exellent
Right now I am getting 23 to 25 miles per gallon!!!!!!!!!!!! I am playing a bit on it but seems to me it should still be getting more than that.

Right now I am getting 23 to 25 miles per gallon!!!!!!!!!!!! I am playing a bit on it but seems to me it should still be getting more than that.


That don't sound right. That's Pianoman's mileage and Britman's mileage and they have all sorts of stuff done. I got a little over 40 on mine on the trip. Of courseI drove it like the old fart I am. I'd think you shiould be getting at least in the 30's. My full time 4wd cage gets 26 with the AC on. Your Hardley is probably getting in the mid 40's.

I'd be biting the bullet and riding that bike with the gas prices as high as they are, especially here in Michigan, the socialist state. I have an advantage, I fuel in Ohio where typically gas is 15-20 cents cheaper than Michigan. Just remember, all the revenue keeps Jennifer and her cronies in the lap of luxury in Lansing.
Congrats, and welcome to the smile club.

I usually get 35 mpg messing around home and 40 0n a trip, but if I start playing a lot, the mileage goes way down.
Hey PF are you sure your students arn't siphoning and/or snorting your Holywater from the tank. This could give you misleading numbers.