

Nov 26, 2006
Kalamazoo, Mi
Anyone with a brain has to be impressed with the power on the Rocket and the Hadling is Awesome as well but the brakes are incredible. This bike is an overall awesome bike!

Not to mention it looks like a custom because there are so few on the road. 10 points for style in my book.
Anyone with a brain has to be impressed with the power on the Rocket and the Hadling is Awesome as well but the brakes are incredible. This bike is an overall awesome bike!


Not to mention it looks like a custom because there are so few on the road. 10 points for style in my book.

PF and TTG,
Yes but fear is the explanation for limited sales. Be it performance, weight, or legend, too many baby boomer's are flat afraid of this bike. Most of us here know what I'm talking about,......admit two cents.

I'm coming up on 9mo. of constant riding, mostly in town or there abouts.Just learned how to hang on a couple of months ago.Now, Katie bar the door,let er rip boys,last one there,is ,a looser,period.I use the speed as a tool to manage the traffic,not have the traffic manage me.My story is I like clean, undisturbed air.One cop friend liked it anyway.
Was talking to my buddy with the Yammy Patrick Racing Warrior today. Told him about how the bike is coming along, and he was impressed with the numbers but replied, "I've still got that pop-pop....pop-pop..."

I think he's like a lot of folks in that they'd rather sound badass than be badass.

Before I started riding motorcycles, I feared the V-twin "pop-pop...pop-pop..." Now I just smile.
I think he's like a lot of folks in that they'd rather sound badass than be badass.
Most HD people I am around or ride with are sooooo into noise. The louder the pipes and the more the back fire just makes their day. I've asked them why they need it so loud and the standard answer is, " It lets cars and trucks know we're coming". Though I'm sure it does provide a low pitched rumble to a vehicle in front of them....... the real noise comes after they have passed and the vehicle is behind them. Then it's of no consequence!

As most of us have notice whether on 2 or 4 wheels, more than likely the person that's going to cut you off when they change lanes or turn left in front of you or forget to stop behind you at a light are either on a cell phone, talking to another person(s) in the vehicle or just plain day dreaming.

My point is that those kind of folks aren't going to pay attention to a loud pipe anyway!

Returning to the ground from my soap box. Out!