Would you call this a Dark Side event?


.020 Over
Jul 22, 2020
2014 Rocket III Roaster (that pipe gets hot!)
So here's one for the ages...
Had to do an oil change on my wife's Hyundai Sante Fe. I use a device called a "MityVac" to drain the old oil.
It's basically a hand pump with a hose you snake down the dipstick tube into the oil pan so you don't have to crawl under the vehicle and drain it. When done it can be reversed to transfer the old oil into another container for recycling.
While transferring the old oil into a 5-gallon bucket (in the garage, right next to my shiny new Rocket III Roadster) the oil hose let loose and sprayed virtually the entire left side of the bike with over a quart of warm, dirty oil.
Long story short, I put the oil change on hold while I rolled the bike out then spent the next two hours wiping it down as best I could, spraying it with Simple Green, hosing it off and drying it. That got the majority of the oil off.
Today I spent another four-plus hours going over it with rags, more Simple Green, making sure the brake pads didn't get soaked and cleaning the brake rotors with brake cleaner. Also squeezed in an oil change on the shaft final drive bevel box.
When I started it up after cleaning, is smoked like a mother for a few minutes, there must have been some oil in the exhaust somewhere I couldn't reach. After a 200 mile ride it was all burned off.

Oh, yeah... turns out there's a plug on the MityVac that you can remove and just dump the old oil. **** me.
A painful experience. Even the thought of that happening hurts my head!