Worldwide High Mileage Rocket III 50K & 100K Club Listing

You'll need a bigger column for my parts list...

Hello Sir, I do not have you on the list - are you over 50K?
I just list the major component failures and can abbreviate or wrap text.
I think its helpful for folks to know what potential issues there may be as the Rockets get used (and possibly abused).
Its included above but I added a new thread in case folks aren't re-reading the main page...

I also created this chart today that graphs the potential Total Miles a Rocket could have in 2019
based on average Miles per Year.

I.E. A 2004 R3 would have had 16 riding years. At 10,000/yr it COULD have 160,000 miles.

You can also calculate your average miles/year by finding your bikes born-on date on the right,
follow the corresponding line to the left & down until you reach the total mileage (left axis) and drop to the bottom axis for the average.

I started at an average of 2,000/year because if you aren't riding it that much you should sell it or give it away to some Rocket-deprived sod!

Let me know if this is useful, can be improved, wasted your time etc...

Count me in! 05 with 210,000 and still running well, however, the bevel box looses it's oil. Also, three TPS and a clutch cable. The speedo dies intermittently which started at 100k. Also have an 08 with 67k and if it weren't for the dang deer the only thing he'd have needed would be one TPS!
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Woot! Way to represent the US. 1st to break 200k AFAIK.

I was offline for a few years and missed your Welcome post and it didn’t come up on my search a few weeks ago.

When did you break 100K?

Came across this while looking at an old thread on brake fluid. Must have a few more miles on it now.
I'm not certain when I passed 100k. It had to have been around 2003? At the time I worked for a manufacturer that was 86 miles from my house. It was almost all interstate so I rode almost every day from March to the end of November for a couple of years. My commute before that was 43 miles each way and I worked there for 15 years. Oddly enough the job I took after than until present is also 43 miles from my house but in a different direction. It's easy to pile on miles with my commuting. Makes it fun too!!

Came across this while looking at an old thread on brake fluid. Must have a few more miles on it now.

OK, I had ugarte at 76,000 and moved him to the 100K list in V1.6. Thanks!

You're in! I think the top two entries are really the same OZ "ghost rider" bike and if so that puts yours at #2 of the known bikes.

Yes, a 100-150 mile daily commute would pile on the miles (unfortunately from 2005-2010 mine was 12/day and zero from 2010 as I worked from home).

I passed my 100K goal June 2012 but had limited riding time for the following five years... I hope mine will break 200K some day!

Not to nit pick, but if your bike is an 05, you must have warp 10.1 drive to pass 100,000 in 03?