Worlds Greatest Sporting Event

Its funny when the top events are listed that its not a stat but rather written by a soccer fan or someone. They mention "Rugby" world cup but go on and talk about "Rugby League"?????? the same sentence!!...a dipstick obviously!!
I cant get too excited about soccer when the players over exaggerate their pain just so they can get a penalty or many times do you see a player go down, arms flailing and lay motionless.When everyone gathers around he has a sore shin or something!???WTF????Give me rugby or rugby league any day!


SOCCER players blow kisses

Rugby and League players give and receive them!

Now I am a rarity as I do not have a poker in the fire, it has been quite a few years since Scotland qualified so my interest is purely for the love of the game, also being a state soccer(football)ref I know quite a bit more about the game than the average punter, plus growing up I only played three sports football, rugby(HS captain) cricket actually played more sports but those were the big three
When I hear someone say I love the game but not watching any because my team is not in it ?????? I feel like kicking them in the balls good luck to all the teams they worked hard to qualify and have their moment in the spotlight.

Well that there just goes to show that we (me) have no idea of the stats on a subject we know (or care) nothing about
All y'all are talking absolute ****e....not a single citation to lend a shred of empirical credence to the avalanche of quoted statistics meaning like 95.49% of all stats they are most likely made up on the spot. So as a natural corollary of the former premise, the most popular/watched/attended/fiscally rewarding game ever played was my under 13's indoor hockey grand final at the Armadale rec centre where 17 spectators paid $3 to watch a dazzling display of sublime skills and enjoy a $2 coke/hotdog combo to boot - all rights reserved coz one day I'll write a book about the game....

...maybe not a book, maybe a novella, or perhaps a just a short story. In fact not a short story, just a brief essay, or maybe a single page synopsis of the essay...actually probably just a paragraph to remind myself to write myself a post-it to remind myself to write a book
Russia stsrted the event in a very good way

I believe you've nailed it Sir!
When I saw that Sott in Exile had created a thread on the world's greatest sporting event I thought he was referring to those games when a bunch of Stotsman in kilts throw what looks to be telephone poles at each other along with rocks and boulders. I believe it's referred to as the Highland Games.