Working on an Intake project

It really is, especially with the high tech filaments available these days if your willing to pay for them like Ultem and Carbon Fiber reinforced nylon.

Once they get Delrin/HDPE in a printable format for a reasonable price, all things will be possible! It’s a magic material I swear it.m

What would be amazing is a dimensionally accurate 3D printed closed cell foam to use as composite structural cores.
Well, dyno time reserved for 30 March to test open TB, TB with curved stacks, and I’ll pick a 3rd option of some sort.

It’s one of the dynos I had my bike run on last year, full disclosure, it reads a tiny bit high, like 4hp up vs Nels at 2WDW, but it’s 10 minutes from home, and 4hp come out to about 2%. Will still work perfectly for ABC testing of three setups.

So... third option, suggestions? Thinking Ramair or K&N 1770s or perhaps getting so 10” stacks printed to show the spread of power changes between the three differing lengths.

EDIT: Just realize I may or may not have my new headers by then. If not I’ll make a return trip to get some AB numbers be my CES with whichever intake setup makes the most HP.

I love dyno days, it’s a Vtwin specialty shop, so, I’ll probably have to clean a bunch of drool off my bike
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I'd miss machining Delrin though.

That place you posted teh vid from with the new metal print process - they have a really neat single fibre reinforcement solution that could do away with foam coring.
That’s what she said?!

I saw that continuous strand machine, haven’t found a printer to do higher tech stuff like that yet. The three curved ones currently in print today are CF reinforced material though so should be incredibly rigid.
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You need to lose those secondary throttle plate shafts..........

Very much agree!! Working out how to not throw a code. Does it even throw a code when you unplug the servo?

If anyone in the area has some 4040-1s, and would like actual data, I'll fund the dyno time if you can provide the 4040s for just the test.
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Posting this here so I don't lose it again, its not the easiest post to find these days
Backplate made from 1mm aluminum sheet, funnels are in the mail, due any day now.

114.3mm is the actual borespacing between cylinders, aka 4.5”.

Still need to clean up the edges, but $9 and 1/2 hour work vs $35 for a steel version is a win in my book.