Working on an Intake project

PX-500 arrived today!!

Time to get measuring and ensure my new design will fit as intended.

The PX-500 looks cute next to the PX-600, the size difference is.... not small. Interestingly the 500 is also made a lot better, it uses a metal frame not plastic, and feels much better in the hands.

The sizing on my model was just right, 317 at the longest point, 100mm at the widest. The filter internally is 336 x 101.6, so the print should fit "like a glove" yay!

Ordering up the print and carbon fiber backplate to put the much improved version 2.0 together. Will have a new finished product by next week end it would seem.

I am adding a couple of steps to the process. Once I have the print in hand, I am going to saturate and surface coat it with high temp epoxy, then sand down to a 2000 grit polish. Should help flow vs the rough finish on the raw print, and will definitely help with strength of the part (not that there have been any strength or heat issues).

@warp9.9 where did you get the rain cover for your PX-500 setup? I want one because my logo is going to end up, upside down
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Had outerwears make them up
Here is a shot of the 600 and 500, the picture doesn't really capture how significant the size difference appears with it right in front of you.

I want to keep a method of fixing the intake from the outside as I mentioned so the filter is the last thing installed and the rest can be fitted without it, will make servicing the filter much easier as well as getting a good seat easier.

Using the stock fastening points on the PX500 causes some significant challenges, as two piece want to occupy the same spot, so I'll have to put a slight turn in the stacks.... off to redraw it..again lmao.
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So, I've changed direction with the project. I'll be building and finishing the triple stacks and PX-500 part but I'm going another direction for my final solution on my motorcycle. Ultimately I plan on back to back testing three different configuration, open TBs for a base line, the PX-500 with curved stacks, and my new design, which is below.

The PX-500 part should be a nice piece when complete, but playing with it and looking at clearances, I want to get away from being tied to the tabs they use for attaching.

New design, I've been able to cut printing cost to $238, in two pieces and has 1" overlap when the top is slipped into the base. Getting cost so low requires making the whole structure 1mm thick except the mounting flanges. The idea is then to fiberglass the whole interior and exterior, using the printed piece as a core, with 1 layer of 6oz mat and 1 layer of cloth, then finish with self leveling resin and sand. It may not be perfect, but it should look great and flow great once the glass work is done! It'll be strong as hell too,

Printing prices have come down drastically since I started this thread on large objects, so this entire assembly can be done for less than just the reverie top cover I mentioned earlier in this thread.

I made a template of the same dimensions last night to ensure it clears the throttle cables and other items in the area, fits perfectly. Will use RAMAIR MR-012 filters.

Staying as far away as I can from K&N RX filters, not because of function or quality, because $85 each is straight "what will the market bear" pricing, and I refuse to participate.

Don't think I've ever mentioned it here, but I used to work here as the QC manager and Production manager and dabbled in product development:
Carbon by Design - Unmanned Systems & Aerospace Composites
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