Woodenbong Ride - Oct 13th

Know your Mercs are running Les .. inevitable the Fords will flog them , spare yourself the misery and come have a steak with us. Bongs are made out of Mr Juicy bottles , anything else is just showing off .. Jim your job is controlling your life mate .. time to put your foot down me thinks .. anyone else got an excuses that needs clarifying .. hahaha.

Bull .. I too wish you were anywhere else than laid up in bed .. hear what you're saying mate.

I've not heard from or seen Jetman since Binnsys funeral either.

Sorry Richard .. don't mean to be cruel mate.
Be f#cked if i'd choose sitting at home watching cars drive around than go for a good ride ... but to each their own I guess !!

Yeah. I too would rather ride and catch the highlights on the news. Just thought I would put it out there cos I know allot of people have parties around the race day. Don't want anybody double booking.
Going for a ride down to Woodenbong Pub on the 13th October .. plan on having a T-Bone steak for lunch there .. So if anyone's going to be hungry on that day feel free to join us.
Have a good one TC. Won't be there so make sure the TBone is in the pub and not on the road. Catch u another time, another place?
Where exactly is Woodenbong? Is it not too far from Warwick?

80 klm east of Warwick 90klm west of Lismore. I you live there its Warwick, Lismore, Casino or Beaudesert for your nearest shopping centre all over an hour away. Thats one of the reasons I love it down there and one of the reasons why Julie won't move back home.
There's A big. enduro ride on down there on the long weekend before we are going down.They have 1or2ayear. Usually get 2or 3 hundred bikes. They camp at the Woodenbong rodeo ground the local progress association runs the weekend supplying catering and manning all the road crossings on the tracks with stop and go.It is a Very well organised weekend.
I didn't know they still had the rides going Bruce. That's why I got into road bikes, well that's part of it. One thing I've never done is I've never been to their pub for a meal, and by the sound of it they serve up a pretty good meal