I know what you mean idk, and thanks or the detent tutorial that's good stuff, had the head ported and with my exhaust ,1st is now optional. I paid a lot of money to have the tranny done, sure would like it right. great response guys, faaaaast, but I have a question , would the detent spring cause all gears to pop out, or just 1st. I pulled the motor and sent it out and did the work in my sons garage, and had to drive it home , about 3 or 4 miles every thing else seemed ok,its like once you give it any power, it pops out. seems like when in 1st it will stay there until you give it a little throttle. just would like to understand whats going on , would like to be able to speak to the shop and at least seem reasonably up to speed on whats going on. thanks again for the advice