Wiring loom 2012 roadster


.020 Over
Nov 30, 2012
My bike has been in a dealer in Glasgow for the last 3 weeks now .
About 3 months ago I noticed if I drive it hard on a 60 mph road & slow down to 30 mph for a built up area my bike would loose power for a second here & there , also if its raining when I pull my clutch in the speedo drops down to nothing .

3 weeks ago when the bike warmed up ( city driving ) it became really hard to drive it smoothly & again I,d have no speedo when I engaged the clutch also it started to cut out at traffic lights .

My local dealer say's my bike needs a new ecu & wiring loom as the connection at the ecu has rusted , triumph doesn't have any looms till the end of the month as there on back order.

I'm slightly shocked that a 18 month old top of the range bike needs a new ecu & wiring , has anyone else had to have this done to there rocket ?
G'day Stuart .. good to hear from you. Not good to hear of your dramas... the wiring loom is a new one , can't remember anyone else needing their whole loom to be replaced. Surprised you'd have to wait so long to have one made available ... not good that's for sure.
The shop said that they had done 1 before . A garage I go to sometimes said they've repaired about 8 of them .

I noticed last night the front wheel bearing on my busa is knackered so that's me bike less for a few days :mad:
..the ghost of Lucas raises it's ugly head again..what a shame that this bike has been in production for almost 10 years and Triumph still can't get the wiring up to grade..sad..