Yes - I missed the Druid-al gathering at "The Henge". The days are getting longer - but sadly not warmer. Here they seem not to understand Druids - something about an inquisition.
It is however still damp. And the south(south west) is fairly privileged regarding temp's.
A few years ago I drove up to Macclesfield with the missus to see my Aunt who was very ill. It was just after some terrible flooding across the UK. But anyway - we drove up and it NEVER stopped raining. My aunt asks the missus if she is enjoying the trip and the reply was - it would be nicer not driving in the rain. Said aunt looks at the grey sky through wet window pane and says What Rain? - Oh that - that's only drizzle. They had the gas fire on - it was August.
GOC 45°C in the UK. Really
- That's rare here. What the UK has is a long spate of "pretty much OK" weather. Not too wet, not too cold and not too hot.