Willie G. Davidson retires

We have heard somewhere that Willie G has been the main opponent within the company of water cooled HD's. If this is true, his leaving may signal a new "water cooled epoch" for HD. Time will tell.

We trudge on.
We have heard somewhere that Willie G has been the main opponent within the company of water cooled HD's. If this is true, his leaving may signal a new "water cooled epoch" for HD. Time will tell.

We trudge on.

Kind of a double entendre, make a bike that has to move through the wind to remain cool but that has trouble moving through the wind due to mechanical antiquitie of design. Hmmmmm. Then the Japanese think, oh wow, another way to make money, copy antiques. It's a viscious cycle, perhaps Harley will eventually make a machine that does not try to "rubber stamp" a sound but I would assume that it would resemble a V-Max or B King which would alienate the throbbing, undulating masses of HD t-shirt and gear owners which would be a cataclysmic event in our economy when combined with the current status. Perhaps the Mayans were right, the end of time is near and Willie knows it too.