Widow maker journey to the 200hp club

Waiting on muffler from Paul? Glad you have the gremlins under control. When you added your fairing the forks bottom out? Or when at speed with fairing they top out? Explain please?
my pipe is coming from paul, and the forks bottoming out, without the fairing it’s in like a sweet spot it didn’t I guess bottom out any and adding the extra weight the same route I could get those kinda like stop bumbs chatter almost on bad dips and changes in road quality, still handles good but not great but I do have adjustment now with these emulators flow spring rate and of course fluid as suggested by race tech I need to change.
Do the forks bottom out when you brake hard? How much travel is left after you sit on the bike (have someone measure the sag when you sit on the bike (what was it and what is and add this to the amount of sag without you (lift front end with jack and measure fully extended and then again with the bike on its wheels sitting vertically.) If you have 5" travel in total you should have 3.5 to 4" left with you on the bike. If you have less than this add spring spacers to raise the bike. If it still bottoms when hitting the brakes or when hitting a bump, you need stiffer springs.
copy that, and no problem when I hit brakes only over bumps. She’s close I will get some measurements
After reading your post and looking at sag and rebound I called race tech back and I explained to matthew in tech I was still using stock springs and he said the .7 spring rate used in most touring conventional forks by most manufacturers would not carry the weight I’m asking it too so ive ordered there springs 1.1 rate and spacers, he said then the dialing in can be accomplished at valve if need be. Thanks speedy
Glad to help. You will like the stiffer springs. Stay with lighter oil for now and change to heaver oil only if necessary because you can't adjust valving stiff enough. Once you have the front working well then adjust the rear dampening and sag.

Remember to have throttle held WO when performing compression check. All spark plugs out too.
10-4 wot oh I can do that and all plugs out , results soon