Widow maker journey to the 200hp club

Keep the left door shut, steady is fast, oh wait no left door, it’s early my bad
I talked to guy a guy that had Lush cams installed on his bike by Baxter Cycle in Iowa and was very happy. They are a great place with a great reputation. Would save a you bundle in shipping. They are fully equipped with an on site machine shop.
I talked to guy a guy that had Lush cams installed on his bike by Baxter Cycle in Iowa and was very happy. They are a great place with a great reputation. Would save a you bundle in shipping. They are fully equipped with an on site machine shop.
Thanks for feedback for thread as it may help someone in the future, I’m sure they’re good as well as carpenter, but rob doing for me is a really special deal, having Rob and Mr. Lush put together a build for what I want, priceless. Again thanks for thread info for future guys that want to build up there rocket. I believe Idaho red has said Baxter is top notch dealer. Thanks man
not sure what Neville is having ground up for this build, rob is in charge, whatever he decided