Why use a tuneboy????/

I've loaded several modified tunes that are not specifically for my beast's make-up. These tunes usually are for TORs or K&N or both. I run neither and have excellent results, mostly. Gas mileage has been the only issue. But that's a throttle response

Downloading the latest TB version and not uninstalling the previous version and running the reg cleaner can present issues. The only gripe I have is the inability to assigned which drive (partition) the TB program is installed to. I like to keep my c: drive sparkling clean.
I have TB loaded for about six months now. I went to have it dyno tuned with a custom mapped and can't be happier with the final results. As other have stated prevously, the only down side from my point of view is the gas mileage.

But then again, that's my fault.

I have some problems with getting the correct key from NewR3, but they resolved the problem very quickly.

I highly recommend RTFI as previously stated. They are provided for a reason.
I put in TB about 15k ago and I have to say for me it has been a good thing (TORS adn Unis)...I had my neighbor come over with his lap top and took the TB disc and had the program installed in a few minutes...I have never monkeyed with it or reopened it since ...I probably just got lucky on this one
Thanks Jeff sounds good!!

One thing I just have measured was my gas MPG and got 38 ....with bypass and tors and a standard remap.... highways at 75 for 50 miles 45 on byways for 50 miles....sounded to good...will check again...this was the first check on mpg since I added the bypass,tors,standard remap.......whats the mpg with the tuneboy as it sounds there is a reduction in mpg?

Well if you correct the optimistic speedo you lose 7%. And if you taste the new found power too much, that doesn't help either. I get 38 mpg (speedo corrected) when I ride with HD's and I get about 30 to 32 mpg riding by myself or chasing down victims.
I've been running TB for a year or so now. Occasionally it mucks around trying to hook up but I reckon it is a good thing. I love it.