Why I Ride.......

I understand your view @scot in exile ....i guess for some of us....something that has touched us deeply is hard to let go of.....we all view life differently i thought i would just share mine....

Must admit I am not the hard made in stone that most people think I am(handsome also) I have a 2005 std that I have held onto for far too long, Steel is taking it off my hands when I do not know but he wants it.
I have five bikes that each beg for a feel of my arse if and when the 2005 goes then only four will be begging
You got the bug, or you don't. I gave each of my sons in law a bike, the one had never ridden, so I gave him my side car rig. A year later it's sitting outside under cover, he never got a license, they're giving it back.
I gotta admit , ever since buying the Bat out of Hell album as a young teen , I dreamed of owning that silver black phantom bike . Many , many bikes and 35 years later , My Rocket is the closest thing to it . Even if I won the lottery and could afford a new R3 , my Torquemonster would stay . She sums up all my teenage years and altho I too , like @scot in exile have a garage full of goats , I mean bikes ! My R3 holds a special place in my heart . From the seemingly impossible dreams from a hospital bed , to the bizzare way those dreams came true . Every time i wheel her out , the memories and uncertaincies of dark days are washed away by euphoria !
**** I'm romantic .
And I shall add , as mentioned by others . The spirit of biking is just as imbodied by the fettling , or bonding as I like to put it . If my van breaks or needs a service , it's straight to the garage . But no one touches my bikes with a spanner other than me !

Mate...I can tell you have a passion for bikes (and in particular Rockets) or you wouldn't be hanging around here on a regular basis....Frankly in my book that puts you way above the average punter for good looks, sensitivity and intelligence (like the rest of us on this site .........

Cheers @phar2slo....luvin the blue...stands out like the proverbial dogs balls!