Well, back in the end of September 2009 I had sold my 2007 Dyna SB. So I was looking around for a replacement for the Dyna, it sure wasn’t going to be another HD. My criteria for the next scoot was for it to have ABS and it had to be water cooled. Looked at another V-Rod, VTX1800, M109R, Vulcan Interstate, or a Gold Wing, also looked into a new V-Max but could not find (thinking of making a semi bagger out of one) quick disconnect bags for it. 


All nice, but not what I was looking for and then looked at what Triumph had to offer. As stated in the past, the Rocket is unlike any other bike on the road. 


So, I had made my mind up that I was going to buy the R3T even though it did not have the ABS option, than I saw the Roadster for the first time on the site after the second time I went back to look at the R3T. When I reviewed the spec’s and had a flat black paint option, my first reaction was WTF. I located a local Triumph dealer, immediately put a hefty deposit on a flat back Roadster back in February even though I never rode one or even sat on a Rocket period.


Ever since (May 6th) the day of delivery, I have been very confident/happy with my decision. Around here in the VA area we have a lot of the cocky HD riders that think their Wild Hogs or something, and most always stating how fast their HD’s are. Well, I am always happy to demonstrate to them what Rocket two wheel power looks like. :D


When ridding in a group, passer by’s most always look at the Triumph out of all other bikes I ride with. 


I will mold this bike to the rest of what I was looking for.




Great handling and balance, great looks, looks like no other, ABS brakes (cannot get them to lock up) works great, very quick acceleration off the line, this thing has no problem getting to 128+ mph. 




Not really made for short legged people, dealers are too far away (Triumph canned the dealer I bought it from) for getting service done in the future, I have the big urge to go 70 plus MPH over the speed limit every time I take her out. The Triumphs slogan “GO YOUR OWN WAY”, that is about what their customer service acts like. This might be a good thing I did not call them before the purchase of said Rocket, my business would of gone elsewhere:eek:.
