Who has installed a bigger windshield?

I tried a tall/wide Clearview on my Rocket, and it only lasted for one ride. First off, because the shield mounts to the forks, any big gust, like a passing semi, will try to jerk the bars out of your hands. Also I did not like viewing through the windshield, found myself trying to look over it instead. Just sayin, that's all.

You sir are correct
But it is worth it.
Clearview will indeed make just the lexan part, made to fit the Rocket Touring brackets. Pick your own height. In my experience, either very high, or pretty low. Medium sucks, all those vortexes around the helmet. Triumph did make a tall Roadster screen (for the Touring, at least on World of Triumph it is/was called a Roadster screen). I bought one of those at some point because I wanted two sets of mounting hardware to quick swap tall and short. The tall Triumph shield is very good, and what I use when it gets a bit chillier. You get an almost perfect bubble behind it.

I took the original fairly short one and had a glass and Lexan business around here slice that way low. I run that in the summer, have my whole helmet in the breeze. Perfect. Riding the bike naked is a bit too much air, hits right in the chest - this hits at shoulder height, so I have two solid options and can swap between them in 10 seconds. But if one can't find the original Triumph one, Clearview's shields are high quality. But you don't get the second set of quick-release hardware.
I have a California Scientific that's pretty tall, with a vent hole, among my windshield collection. I cut my original tall windshield down to a mid sized one.
I bought a clearview shield but then decided it was just a tad too tall, It was just in my line of sight. I cut it down myself after watching a few videos on you tube. It worked out well. Now I ride without a screen in the summer heat and in winter it is on.