White rockets.

And these are fixed now, thank goodness!! (those soldered joints are how it was returned, along with the secondary insulation having been stripped and the wires just run thru the grommet)
Hey Scott, where did the cool crash bars on the beetles come from ?
Home made By Gary. I believe parts (Rods or some type of framing that has been shortened some real craftmanship if you ask me) are from the Goldwing bags or something he found I am not sure as He died before I could find out, The rest was hand made with the Triumph Bags added. I like the fact that they will protect the leather work.
Just a update today I take the jardines off and since I am impatient on the shipping time I will transplant the Carpenter pipe to her from the Falcon.

Then its Bear claw time and once I role her out the door its time to clean the ****ski hole up