whine coming frome front of engine??


.040 Over
May 16, 2011
Good Morn Folks, I've had my Rocket for arund a year now. :p love the ride! it has just got a whine that gets louder at highway speeds. started about a montha go and is getting annoying. No change in any preformance or ride. I wonder if it could be the water pump? sits on the front in the area that the sound is comin from. I do alot of mies for I dont want to get stuck out there. Got it used from so I dont know how she was treated before me.
Welcome ! There are three main things in the front of the engine, the cam drive, the water pump, and the clutch. If you take a screw driver and hold the metal end against the engine and put the plastic part to your ear, it will act like a stethoscope. Move it around to various places on the front of the engine and you be able to narrow down the offending component. let us know what you find and we'll take it form there.
That is not easy to do at highway speeds, but with practise. . .

Welcome to the forum, don't forget to introduce yourself in the Meet the Members section when you get a chance.

The whine could be the timing chain, but you would probably hear that if you just rev the engine when stationary. If you can't reproduce the noise when you are not moving then i suspect that it may be the front tyre, or possibly a wheel bearing, or possibly a brake pad not fully releasing. There are quite a few possibilities.

"That is not easy to do at highway speeds, but with practise. . ." Well, you do need a long screwdriver ! I was thinking highway rpm not highway speed. Is your front tire cupped ?
That is not easy to do at highway speeds, but with practise. . .

Welcome to the forum, don't forget to introduce yourself in the Meet the Members section when you get a chance.

The whine could be the timing chain, but you would probably hear that if you just rev the engine when stationary. If you can't reproduce the noise when you are not moving then i suspect that it may be the front tyre, or possibly a wheel bearing, or possibly a brake pad not fully releasing. There are quite a few possibilities.

I have a 26" handled Phillips for just such occasions, and I have plenty of practice. (Read my book and you'll understand) However the noise is likely coming from the cam chain tensioner. Good Luck
Originally Posted by idk
That is not easy to do at highway speeds, but with practise. . .

I have a 26" handled Phillips for just such occasions, and I have plenty of practice. (Read my book and you'll understand) However the noise is likely coming from the cam chain tensioner. Good Luck

I was thinking along the lines of 2 angle irons attached to a skateboard, & a helpful friend.......