Which sensors disable ignition and injection?

FYI, just updated the starter 1,4kw and re-wired to larger cords for negative and positive from battery.

Did the readings and tbh, if there is a difference it's in the 0.0x volts.

Ignition on, original wire
Battery 12.5
Coil 12.5

Cranking, original wire
Battery 10.5
Coil 10.0

Ignition on, jumper wire
Battery 12.5
Coil 12.5

Cranking, jumper wire
Battery 10.5
Coil 10.0
Just pulled a log from tuneecu, it doesn't seem like, when cranking, that the rpm get registered, is this normal?
And the "Main relay" does not have any indication of red/yellow/green state.
Just pulled a log from tuneecu, it doesn't seem like, when cranking, that the rpm get registered, is this normal?
And the "Main relay" does not have any indication of red/yellow/green state.

The rpm will not read on tuneecu while cranking
I don't know about the red/yellow/ green
Sounds like the problems i am having.
I have two batteries on my bike and still have to use a big charger to get it started and after it starts then it works perfect all day. I bought 2 more batteries and will try those in a few days.
I know my ecu is not grounding the coils and will not start until it does.
I have changed everything. Coils, tip over sensor, crank sensor, ecu and added extra battery. With no luck except for tje big charger that is the only way it will start.
i do not know how desperate you are
you could pull starter remove the positive cable and replace with short cable then install starter.
this way you can use jumper cables to a car/truck to turn over motor and the battery would be putting 12 volts into coils and the rest of the system.
I am getting desperate, but I also would like to understand what the problem is, and not just try different things.
I will let you know if I get any progress.
That is what mechanics is about you trying different things hopping for results that will lead you to a solution to fix the problem or a least by pass the problem so you can get some riding in.
It is very nice when somebody says change this part and then your bike runs perfect but that doesn't always work. Most of the time you have to put in the work checking components and sometimes you have to guess.
I don't always explain the reason for what I post i just through the information out there and if they want to use it they can and if they don't then so be it.
The reasoning behind separating the starter from the rest of the electrical system is because the starter draws more amperage than the rest of the bike so if you take that amperage off the system then the system will have a few more volts and it may start.
So by changing parts you eliminate that the part you change may or msy not be the problem.
I think that most of the guys with our problem just gives up and sells or parts out the bike. At least on mine i have found a way to get it started and bypass the problem so i can ride.
Not sure about what's different on Classic R3 but ECM pin A20 on the R3T also feeds power to the Lambda/O2 sensor, the Purge Valve (on models with canister), the 3 relay coils for fuel pump, engine management and cooling fan AND all 3 ignition coils and fuel injectors. Any one of those could be pulling/loading the A20 line down. Also a problem in the wiring between could be causing low voltage on the A20 line. Eliminating items one by one will be tedious but may be the only way forward.
About the same a few differences of speedo and turn signals .
Disconnecting components will cause ecu to set codes and will need to be cleared.
You are a 100% correct sir.