I connected and in the areas that the engine was missing/popping/backfiring, the voltage stayed pretty much constant when it started and it didn't seem to jump around. I noted the voltage, shut the engine off and tested the throttle from fully closed to fully opened and especially around the voltage that the trouble starts and there did not seem to be an issue.
Undecided on whether to buy a new TPS and based on something I had read somewhere on this forum, I took the TPS off and tested it with an ohmmeter. When slowly rotating the pot, I thought I found a couple areas where the TPS seemed to lose continuity very briefly and then quickly back to continuity. This happened consistently so off to the dealer to get a new TPS.
I Installed it tonight, reset the ISCV, reset the adaptive and still could not get a green TPS light. I took it for a ride and I still have the same issue. In first gear, It starts slightly about 3500 and is more pronounced between 4000-5000.
I think I have done all the basic troubleshooting here and am still coming up short. What am I missing?