Where oh where are all the Rockets?

I was out riding. Sorry
I've kind of have been reading through this thread and I think I have only seen 2 older Rockets in all my years riding. I've had a number of different bikes...an Ariel, Norton, BSA, Harleys, Kawasaki, Honda Valkyrie and Rocket 3's. Let's face it, the bike is just a one of a kind like their riders and people just don't know what they are missing. I had been riding an R3 touring model for almost 12 years and just swapped my last one off in July for a new 2023 GT. At 77 years old (soon to be 78) my last touring was just getting too heavy for me and awkward to ride. I asked the dealer if I was the oldest person who had ever bought a GT...after giving it some thought, the answer was YES. I'm glad I made the switch. My riding buddies thought I was nuts for buying a bike like that, but it is just such a treat to ride. So light, quick and just plain ole fun too ride, I just love it. It does everything I want it to do and then some. I watch my friends wrestle their big dressers around and just have to smile. My son who rides a Trident 660 came up from TN this summer. He wanted to take my bike for what I thought was a little test ride. He finally came back almost 2 hours later...my lesson learned, don't let your son ride your GT with a full tank of gas. As Rocket riders we don't care what other people think. We love the curious looks people give it when they see one. We love talking about it to people. We know what the bike is for us....a permanent smile on our face when we ride it. My forum handle says it all.
Wrong side of washington as they are all over here on the east side!
Best post in this entire forum! I am 68 and am told I am "too old" for my 2023 R3GT. Those chickens can ride their scooters, I'll keep riding MOTORCYCLES as I have been for 54 years.
I'm in my fourth year of ownership in NYC and have only ever seen maybe two other Rockets anywhere in the metro area. Four years later and I still cannot go anywhere without people pulling up beside me in traffic, at stop lights or wherever asking, "what is THAT???" and greatly admiring the ride...