Well, I'm in Florida, USA, and I own three Rocket 3's Sadly I'm thinking it may be time to sell out. Turning 75 in a few days, and I ain't got the strength I used to have. Also a little "wobbly". Not good on a 800lb bike. I also have 2 Hardley Sportsters, but with all their woke cwap, I don't think I want to be seen on the road on one. They might be worth more, selling to someone that wants to blow them up on youtube! ha ha ha
Not to turn this nice thread political, but since you went there... I find that absolutely hilarious that because some corporation decides that they are pro-diversity makes you embarrassed to ride their bike. How one affects the other is beyond me. Either you like the bike or you don't. Suddenly hating the bike because of a corporate HR decision says a hell of a lot more about you than the motorcycle.
Not to turn this nice thread political, but since you went there... I find that absolutely hilarious that because some corporation decides that they are pro-diversity makes you embarrassed to ride their bike. How one affects the other is beyond me. Either you like the bike or you don't. Suddenly hating the bike because of a corporate HR decision says a hell of a lot more about you than the motorcycle.
I agree as far as appraising a product goes (you either like it or you don't) but if I thought the money I might spend buying that product would be used by the company to pursue a political agenda that I believed was harmful to society I wouldn't spend my money with them because I wouldn't want to fund such a thing. I don't know whether that's the case with Harley. I haven't looked into it because it isn't relevant to me. I sold my Harley because the bike not the political attitudes in HD's boardroom didn't suit me and there wasn't another model in their range I wanted. If it had suited me I'd have kept it regardless of what some chinless graduate PR advisor thought about the world.
But I have chosen to boycott certain companies in the UK which have used their considerable corporate wealth to try and cancel people and silence views they don't like (or pretend not to like). If you're a bank or a supermarket your job is to provide banking services or sell groceries, not tell people what to think.
More often than not this is just opportunistic posturing for commercial purposes: side with some trendy viewpoint in the hope of drawing sales from looking fashionable. But then it works the other way too. If you want to sell a product why would you care what political views your customers might have as long as their money's good? You either want their business and to sell as many motorcycles as possible or you don't. And if you don't you probably haven't got your mind sufficiently focused on the day job.
Sorry Eskimopie, but I "used" to be a fan of Harley, until they went all evo, electronic, gizzmo's super heavy sofa glides that won't get out of their own way. Twist the throttle on ANY Harley at say 80 mph, all you get is more noise. Do the same on our Rockets, and you'd better hang on !!! Just sayin. And "IF" Triumph decided to go all woke, I'd be dumping my Rockets as fast as I'll dump my hardleys. WE have to start standing up for our beliefs, and stop going with the flow, just because it's easier than making a stink.... just sayin....... Besides hardely will be bankrupt sooner than later, woke or not.
"Love the music not the musician".
There are artists whose music I love and whose beliefs/politics I hate but I will still go see them live and enjoy their performance.
If by some miracle disney would actually put out a good movie I would go see it. I'm not letting my enjoyment be dampened by such things.
I was riding my Yamaha Venture as my Rockets clutch was acting up. I would have preferred the Rocket but the ride had to go on. Somewhere in Montana we run into 2 Rocket riders. One on a touring and another on a new 2500 Rocket. So they are out there but few and far between sightings.
I went to a motorcycle meet-up recently here in Gainesville, FL. As far as I could tell I had the only Rocket 3 (and only Triumph) at the meet. People were definitely interested in the bike and received a lot of thumbs ups!
I just got back from a 2000mi road trip from California to Washington and back plus whatever riding I did while up there. Not a single other Rocket in sight anywhere only people asking what it is at every stop. I know this is not their top selling bike and maybe they are more common anywhere but the US.
On another note this bike takes road warrioring on congested freeways to a whole new level, Seattle didn't see me coming or going.