Where oh where are all the Rockets?


Apr 28, 2023
Calaveras County, California
2023 Rocket 3R
I just got back from a 2000mi road trip from California to Washington and back plus whatever riding I did while up there. Not a single other Rocket in sight anywhere only people asking what it is at every stop. I know this is not their top selling bike and maybe they are more common anywhere but the US.
On another note this bike takes road warrioring on congested freeways to a whole new level, Seattle didn't see me coming or going.
correct, a lot of them in UK, States we have Harley hypes,
All i know is that, i can ride this bike with supersports bike and that makes it a complete bike.
I hear ya. I live in Spanish Fork, UT and have never seen another Rocket while riding. I know there are a few in Utah, though. I saw my first one at an air show here in town at the airport. I only remember it had K&N's on the air intakes. I assume it was a classic or close. That was a few years before I found my touring.
If you would let me know you were coming, you would have seen several rockets right here in Tacoma, WA!
Only the TFC's were made in the UK. After that they moved manufacturing to Thailand. The original registration certificate is still from UK. It is a beautiful embossed document most people never see, as it is turned in for the US registration. I've not seen a new model on the roads, and just a few of the pre 2019's. Two of them were at a dealership buying parts.
I rarely see them in the USA unless I'm meeting up with people on this forum. I was just at Willville Motorcycle Campground in VA last night/this morning and it turned heads and drew a lot of thumbs up and conversation. Why ride what everyone else has when this bike is not only unique, but as we already know- in it's own special class.