Where is Triumph?

There are test rides available from practically every mfg. in Daytona but Triumph. No test rides, no dealers, no marketing, NO SALES! Maybe they will figure it out soon. Also, my mail ordered part from Hermy's (because of no dealers within 80 miles) is back ordered 3 to 4 weeks. Nice job there too Triumph!

How are you flying home now that half the airline fleet is down with the 737 fiasco?
That’s another story
No joke. We're flying out Friday morning. Direct from Orlando to Grand Rapids. The flight down was a wide body 737. I have no idea what plane is taking us home...
How are you flying home now that half the airline fleet is down with the 737 fiasco?

Only 350 (total) 737 Max 8 in service across the globe. Where do you get half the fleet from?

They have a problem and they are all grounded by Boeing.

No issue so why the hysteria??

I went down to Florida for a visit with my sister four years ago. We drove in to bike week and walked around for several hour. We went out to the track and spent some more time. Not one Rocket did we see. Strictly a HarleyFest for the most part. I finally went to the Triumph dealer in town. He had two roadsters and a used touring. I answered a lot of questions for a guy who was looking at the touring. I didn’t think the dealer knew much about the bike. Anyway, that was it. They had some pretty decent prices on the roadsters...seems like they were around 12K. The first time I ever saw a Rocket and became interest in it was when Bruce Rossmeyer had them out at his dealership. I believe the Triumph dealership was in his daughters name. That was a long long time ago.
If Triumph did show in Daytona Bike Week they would have no success. I have been a Harley hardcore and know the mentality. Thankfully Indian motorcycles broke through my coolaide induced fog. Only after I sobered up did I appreciate other bikes and came to own and love the Rocket.

Here’s the way they think. Oh Harley Harley Harley there is only one real motorcycle on the planet. Once you finally own your own Harley there can be no other bike to be considered. “But it’s not a Harley”.

Triumph knows this and won’t waste money on that week. They should however do something with improved advertising and marketing.