Where is everyone getting their insurance from..and are they insisting on a tracker?

i paid about the same as you for my bike(i put a big deposit on it and i collect it on the 1st march) but i put the value at 21200 as thats the price you would have to pay for a new one if anything did happen.maybe if it's over 20k they ask for a tracker? ive never had a claim and i live in a low risk area
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I got a quote from Bemoto for my Rocket GT that i'll collect on the 1st march and my 2019 GS 1250..£367.00 seems pretty good, so I'll probably go with them, the guy seemed really helpful and knowledgeable which makes a change! I also phoned Bikesure and spent at least an hour on the phone with them and they were supposed to phone me back with a price but they haven't
Gents be careful when picking a tracker... I got the oxford tracker and was told that it recorded journey length and overall time. It doesnt! it has a VERY detailed web interface and in the terms and conditions Tracker will happily roll over and give up your data to the police and your insurance company!!!!!!
I have emailed them twice over the last 12 months to get data deleted but thus far they havent replied.
The app is crap, i can ride my bike having "ring fenced" it in the app first and i dont always get an alert if i forget to unring fence it.
Very shoddy overall and the customer service is crap also.
For my second year i have been £170 quoted with no tracker and is for an old git with no points and no claims so not too bad. The tracker is coming off!!!!!!
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That's my question: is the tracker just for recovery in case of theft, or are the auditing your driving habits, speed, etc? I'm less opposed to the former (wouldn't want it to be an absolute requirement due to cost) but the second is a hard NO. Some insurance companies in the USA offer that as an incentive - "plug in our tracking dongle and prove you're a good driver and get a discount", but I don't know of any where it's a requirement, unless perhaps for some high risk insurees like those just coming off a suspension due to moving violation convictions or drunk driving.

I get a discount for having an "Immobilizing Electronic Alarm". Which, in my case, is a Xena disc brake lock that yelps like mad if you rustle the bike. Hey, it's electronic and, short of an angle grinder or some liquid nitrogen and a hammer, that bike's not rolling anywhere.
With Oxford tracker they are monitoring you
Does it plug into the OBD2 port or does it attach in some other way?

Yep Im with Bemoto , they are very knowledgeable and very competitive and they made it very easy. Got my insurance for £100 less with them , Very impressed .
Does it plug into the OBD2 port or does it attach in some other way?
this is the one i've used, has a battery that lasts up to 12 months. I have seen one that plugs into the OBD port too.
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