Of course we want to ride together, my wife is taking her Spyder, we can get together with @skydog1000 and the Texas crowd, will see if @Lonzol and Mindy want to tag along, the more the mwrrier
Of course we want to ride together, my wife is taking her Spyder, we can get together with @skydog1000 and the Texas crowd, will see if @Lonzol and Mindy want to tag along, the more the mwrrier
Im all about it!, lets see if @STRIPES@xhdskip@nolton@Steel and all the others are interested in putting a caravan together, it won't be the first time a see a dozen Rockets Harleys and Spyders riding together, i remember 2 Mays ago on our way to Montrose, that was fun!
as you very well know,the way the oilfield is now I am not going to request any time off(missed my aunt funeral this past week because of)so if you can and I am able it would be an honor to ride with all of you BUT,dont change or alter youre plans for me to much uncertainly.me to get to spearfish or Sturgis more than likely run east to I25 then haul a** up thru denver to wheatfield I think
Are we narrowing down a date yet?
I've got 3 Friday's off in July
Which means I use one less day of vacation
(I'm saving vacation for the Mayberry days trip in Sept.)
as you very well know,the way the oilfield is now I am not going to request any time off(missed my aunt funeral this past week because of)so if you can and I am able it would be an honor to ride with all of you BUT,dont change or alter youre plans for me to much uncertainly.me to get to spearfish or Sturgis more than likely run east to I25 then haul a** up thru denver to wheatfield I think
hell no cant see that far,only one rig running in the san juan basin right now, was off from dec. 1 through jan 6 oil and gas prices still falling at this rate wont be no rigs running in the whole country 37 years on the drilling rigs never seen it this iffy,day by day,chicken one day feathers the next.just like Montrose if im off I will be there may have to ride 800 miles one way just for a couple days there since they run 12 hours a day 7 days on 7 days off Wednesday to wednesday