When the cop knows you are telling porky pies

scot in exile

Living Legend
Jan 14, 2006
Fort walton Beach FL, Glenrothes Fife
2011 Rocket
When the cop asks you do you know how fast you are going you say sorry no idea.
I was stopped and asked the same question. My response was, “ um, um, um um”. He said he clocked me at 100 mph.🧐 I said sounds about right.😅 He let me go with a warning to slow it down.

He was a deputy sheriff investigator so not really his main concern. If had been one of those hard azz state troopers I’d probably have gone to jail.

Never testify against yourself. It is their job to find facts and bring it against you. I will not help them prosecute me.
I was asked that once, my answer "maybe 80?" His radar showed 103. Good thing I was off the gas when he popped over the hill. He wrote me a ticket for 80 because, he said, "I didn't have to chase you."
Reminds me of the time a few years ago on the I15 Express way in San Diego when I was playing tag with a Rice Rocket. A local cop at the Escondido end of the Express Way stopped me. He said, "Want to know why I stopped you?" Why? "You were easier to catch." He went on to explain he had watched us for a while going back and forth, me ahead at times, then the other guy, all dictated by other traffic in our way. He said he clocked both of us in excess of 90 mph but was only going to ticket me for 80mph because I was using my turn signals when changing lanes and wasn't crowding other traffic, unlike the other guy on the rice rocket. He wanted to stop the other guy instead of me but he decided that was going to be too dangerous, too hard. He also said to ticket me for anything over 80 mph would kick me into the highest traffic fine level and wanted to give me a break by keeping me clear of that. Nice guy, didn't lecture me. My being old enough to be his grandfather probably helped too.
i think that i have out lived most of the people that has given me tickets and advice.
i was heavy on throttle and traffic was coming up so i backed out of throttle then noticed the lights
he asked how fast so like the other poster it was uh uh uh and he said its hard to read the speedo when your going 107
i though that will work i was worried that it might be 125.
i think that when you are old they wont waste there time giving there advice.
A couple of years ago I got stopped for speeding ,a guy in a car passed me going around 100mph so I started following him . Then my brain disengaged an I opened the taps and blasted past doing around 130 (limit was 70) . Did not notice the black Audi hanging way back until shortly after looked in my rear view an he was right behind me blue lights flashing ,Puck there goes the licence .Pulled over straight away an he pulled in behind me .Got off the bike an took off my helmet as they got out off the car. The first cop looked at me an said WHAT AGE ARE YOU ? Old enough to know better was my reply. After a short Q and A session he wrote me up for 98mph . After he gave me the ticket I said to him Lucky I wasn't on the busa you would never have caught me . He laughed and shook his head as he went back to his car .