Reminds me of the time a few years ago on the I15 Express way in San Diego when I was playing tag with a Rice Rocket. A local cop at the Escondido end of the Express Way stopped me. He said, "Want to know why I stopped you?" Why? "You were easier to catch." He went on to explain he had watched us for a while going back and forth, me ahead at times, then the other guy, all dictated by other traffic in our way. He said he clocked both of us in excess of 90 mph but was only going to ticket me for 80mph because I was using my turn signals when changing lanes and wasn't crowding other traffic, unlike the other guy on the rice rocket. He wanted to stop the other guy instead of me but he decided that was going to be too dangerous, too hard. He also said to ticket me for anything over 80 mph would kick me into the highest traffic fine level and wanted to give me a break by keeping me clear of that. Nice guy, didn't lecture me. My being old enough to be his grandfather probably helped too.