Whats with Canada Post!?!?

A Canada Post is the worst kind of beast....Has all the government red tape with no real incentive to innovate as they have a monopoly on home mail delivery so they just raise the the rates.
The USPS can't go private without a Constitutional amendment. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 7.
Canada Post is not privatised. It is a Crown Corporation. Unfortunately, like many government agencies it is running at a loss.
I stand corrected. But it does have many private entities in its operation.
The USPS can't go private without a Constitutional amendment. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 7.

And believe me, the politicians are working furiously to make those constitutional changes. In 2006, at the end of his tenure, Bush signed into law a bill requiring the Post Office to pay 5.5 Billion yearly to pre-fund FUTURE retirees benefits. Thats why they are in the shape they are in financially. Whenever it is stated that the PO lost so many billions in any given time it includes that pre-funding. So basically one party caused the pain and the current party dont want to give the money back. And there it is in a nut shell.
Canada post is beginning to phase out home delivery to community mail boxes. Through retirement and buy-outs, they are decreasing their work force considerably. I too have been home awaiting a delivery, even had the tracking on it, on the truck for home delivery, truck NEVER came, and then the tracking changed to pick-up at post office, sneaky buggers.
But to address the packaging damage, when I ordered TORS through the dealership, it took 3 deliveries, to get 2 pipes that weren't dinged or damaged, but I'll give that one to Triumph, the packaging was terrible to protect the items inside.
... I too have been home awaiting a delivery, even had the tracking on it, on the truck for home delivery, truck NEVER came, and then the tracking changed to pick-up at post office, sneaky buggers...

There's me thinking I'd lost my mind because that happened to me and I couldn't figure out how I'd missed them coming to the door. I guess they actually didn't. It kills me when I see the signs around to "save home delivery". What "service" are we supposed to be saving.

Now, that said, I bought a seat from a member here (in Saskatchewan) and it was supposed to arrive by end of day Monday but it arrived the Friday before and in perfect condition. So there is the odd exception I guess.