What's Santa Bringing You!!!

The missus and I usually buy what we want whenever we want. As a couple of you have mentioned, it's really about spending time with our 2 (adult) kids. Both live in different States and we don't see them much until Summer comes 'round. I did, however, pick a little something up for the Rocket recently.

So far Santa has delivered a little over 1000 rounds of .22 RF ammo. In my neck of the woods, that is a nice Santa.

A tad hard to come by, perhaps?
A tad hard to come by, perhaps?

Don't you know it. Way to many hoarders, and old retired farts stalking WalMart and stocking up to sell at 2x the price online or at the gunshows. I need about 1500 rounds per year for plinking and my annual gopher hunting trip to Montana.

Don't you know it. Way to many hoarders, and old retired farts stalking WalMart and stocking up to sell at 2x the price online or at the gunshows. I need about 1500 rounds per year for plinking and my annual gopher hunting trip to Montana.

I hear you!
My buddies all have scoped .22s they enjoy. I frequently hear them whining about having to hunt ammo.
Lately they have caught on to the Beretta CX4 (which I have) and now we shoot the heck outta them.
Several of us have it in 9mm and a couple have the 40cal. versions. A great carbine at any rate and easy to locate ammo for at reasonable cost.
right now Im working 10 hrs from home,in watford city ND.in the Bakken Oil patch..tryin like hell to make that almighty dollar, so aside from a MAJOR CATASTROPHY i WILL have my ROCKET in june of 2015..that will be my Christmas present for the rest of my life..

how ever the DAD in me is spending too much on a really good Christmas for my little curmudgeons...I love those guys....but after them and the wife....IM NEXT DAM IT....
Couldn't wait for Santa. Fitted one of these today to "Amanda's" Street Triple. What a nifty gadget! Told her it was for her but she couldn't get her head around what it does or why "we" needed it. Girls are funny aren't they? And then for some reason she told me it was going to be my Christmas and birthday present combined.

My bike got a nifty, Mittzy, quick release back rest/luggage rack set up. Then it needed a set of EasyBrackets so I could mount my panniers. Then My panniers would stick out too far, so it needs a set of leather bags - which should arrive before Christmas. Does anybody want a set of well-used Hepco Becker bags with mounts?

Me? I usually get coal for Christmas.
I have two daughters and five grandkids from a previous marriage and a girlfriend who puts up with me on a daily basis....
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