Whats all the hoohaa about darksiding?

Mike, i really like your open mind thinking
Bull fights in that area were great. (Rota) Unlike the bull fights in Mexico.
Mike, i really like your open mind thinking

Well thank you Lupe but it is historical reality and a part of who we are in the west. As you know, the entire southwest, to include California, used to be part of Mexico so the heritage and the language is integral to the area. Thus Spanish, is now a true historical second language of the area and anyone who denies it is a moron. I am gratified to see it taught in our local primary schools.

Growing up in California I saw the Spanish heritage reflected in the names of our cities and streets and our history, and of course that included the significance of the beautiful Spanish missions, which are now under fire today from the left.

I never realized that my wife spoke Spanish until back in the early seventies when we were sitting at a table of about 14 members of a Mexican-American family from Guadalajara who were friends of ours. They were all speaking Spanish, except me, and I was surprised to hear Karin speaking Spanish to the patriarch, Pedro. He and his wife Elvita had been to the house many times in the past but we always spoke English. Imagine my surprise.