Whats all the hoohaa about darksiding?

I speak 2.5 languages as well, Spanish, Spanglish and working on English, which by the way, this great forum has helped me learn over the last 10 years
Oooh yes - Spanglish - I'd forgotten that one. There are of course variations in Spanglish.
Fellas, just because something fits back there doesn’t mean it belongs there.
If you like that sort of thing then go for it.
Just please stop trying to ram it down all the normal guys’ throats.
Fellas, just because something fits back there doesn’t mean it belongs there.
If you like that sort of thing then go for it.
Just please stop trying to ram it down all the normal guys’ throats.
Hello stranger, good to hear from you again
Oooh yes - Spanglish - I'd forgotten that one. There are of course variations in Spanglish.

I never realized how much until I joined the Navy and traveled the world. Unlike Europeans, Americans are generally not exposed to other languages. That's changing in our major urban areas and with Spanish becoming almost a second language here, which I think is great.

While I was in Rota I learned that the locals had a difficult time understanding our Puerto Rican Sailors. A Mexican American friend who grew up in San Antonio was stationed there for almost 10 years and his kids learned the local dialect. When they moved back to SA the locals thought his kids were Spanish nationals. While in Cuba I learned how different the Spanish spoken there is from Mexican dialect, which has Aztec influence like Guatemalan Spanish has some Mayan dialect influences.

It's a fascinating world and one of those regrets I have in life is not learning additional languages as have you.
Just FYI -
I can actually understand that mileage argument for a car tire if you’re riding freeways.
When I made my criss cross of the country ride of 11,500 miles, I began with new rubber and needed three new tires, one rear and two front. Tis indeed a huge PITA locating proper tires and getting them mounted when out on the road. Also the costs of $300 or more each time suck huge!
We have it pretty easy here being able to travel many many miles in the same country with the same language . . . Almost.
Riding Europe would absolutely present many problems and issues that we Americans are not used to.
So then Chris, when I come over there will you be my guide?