What would you call a normal level of driveline noise?

hate to go against the general consences here, but I think there is possibly something to the tps issue. when my tps acted up in the conditions you mention,kinda coasting along with little or no throttle in 4 or 5th gear,the tps caused my bike to kinda ''hunt'',the fluctuations in rpm caused the driveline to load and unload causing a noise like you describe.once the tps was straightend out the noise was gone.

Sounds plausible to me.
Certainly warrants a service from the dealer to get it sorted regardless. Better safe , than sorry.
As the @Rocket Scientist sated and the way it was explained can be plausible. Here's my take on Silver engines (and some early black ones like my 06 and 07) OH and my two 05's with silver engines. all having the front torsional damper bearing installed arse backwards by the Triumph factory. If I owned one of them and have had any noises or for general maintenance I would drop the sump pan when I changed the oil just to verify the bearing is not coming apart. A gasket is cheap and you get to clean and inspect your sump screens.

Other then that I would not let the bike being one of the older ones keep me from owning it either.
You certainly have the experience, and you helped guide me through my nightmare. Thanks again!
Just trying to offer a ray of hope, I know how expensive this is without Triumph’s help.mine went at about 12000 mi. It was because of the info here that I was able to recognize the problem and get it fixed before to much damage was done.the dealer and his technicians had no idea what I was talking about,till I showed some info I got online
Im hoping its just me being overly cautious and maybe as happyhenry says but we will see in a week or so when they get a test ride at the triumph shop and have a look in the sump pan
Well the bike went in for its 20,000 mile service. According to the triumph guys a few valves needed adjusted, the throttle bodies needed balanced, idle stepper motor needed a tweak and the final drive oil level was low and pretty dirty. They gave it a test ride and and a clean bill of health and are happy that there are no dodgy shaft or output bearing goings on in the engine and I get to pick it up next week. Yay
The TPS started playing up again so I have a new replacement on its way. The triumph guys had said there didnt seem to be anything wrong with it and it just needed recalibrated when they did the service but not too bothered about that as it was only playing up intermittently and these things can be very hard to diagnose when you only get handed a bike for a day for a brief test ride before pulling it apart for a service. At least it is a simple thing to change. Had to order a new battery as well, the one in the bike was coming up on four years old and although it had enough grunt left to start the bike I was having trouble connecting with tuneecu as the battery voltage is on the low side. And of course, one needs to be able to talk to tuneecu to srt up a new tps. Its funny the way these things always present themselves on the run up to christmas.