What to do to a 2008 T to get more power. No add ons

Bob R

Living Legend
Jul 30, 2012
Pahrump, NV
2013 R3T
A guy at work has been leaving drool spots on my R3T for a while now so when he found one for sale he snatched it up. It is a 2008, <6K miles and box stock. He may have a problem getting slip ons or anything else for a while after the slapdown from SWMBO. Why don't women understand that the bike purchase is like buying a pair of shoes, you still have to get the extra goodies, just like a purse and a new dress for those new shoes, but I digress.

Any how, for the present time, all he can buy is essentially nothing, yet he feels it is somewhat anemic for what it is. So the question is what can I do in Tune ECU to get him feeling a little more power to the seat of the pants. I was thinking opening the secondaries and not much else until he can get the motor breathing better.

Any other suggestions?

Bob open secondaries to 100 % and copy the timing tables from fifth gear to the others. it should spunk it up until he has some cash to spend.
There's a thread right next to this one that says "R3T derestricting" or some such. There's a great map there for the bike that really opens it up; just added it to mine. The stock map is laughable, the bike just chokes at 4k or so and just doesn't go at all. The Power-tripp map reportedly adds 30 hp, a fair bit of torque and it definitely lets the engine rev to 6000 delivering power; I did some riding on the tune only this Saturday for the first time and the difference when you revved the engine was very noticeable.
Did you put that tune on an unmodified (pipes, etc.) bike? I already have that loaded on my computer, it would be easy to load it up for him.

Yep, no modifications. In fact, if I understand things correctly, the stock exhaust will limit the bike so that there's really no point in putting on new filters or new slipons, to get more power out than by adding the aforementioned tune you need to find a full exhaust replacing all of it that's more open, which is an issue since the Jardines are no longer made. I haven't seen other brands for the R3T specifically, but I may be wrong.

Just put in the different map, reset adaptations, let the bike run on idle for 15 minutes and then out and rode it, huge success. 30 horses more for near-zero work.
I just have filters , slip ons not full exhaust secondaries removed and retuned with tune ecu with a huge difference in power .. bike is quite loud now and with kids and trying to sneak in at night im reluctant to go full pipes... yet.. there is a guy on ebay selling a replacement set of pipes for the cat section with no cat.. I am tempted
Yeah, I can see the temptation but I really dislike super loud pipes. It just makes the civilians hate bikers more (or neighbors hate neighbors).
A guy at work has been leaving drool spots on my R3T for a while now so when he found one for sale he snatched it up. It is a 2008, <6K miles and box stock. He may have a problem getting slip ons or anything else for a while after the slapdown from SWMBO.

Tell him he needs to grow some balls , take a spoonful of cement , harden the fack up, and do what i would do ,,,
Save up behind her back , buy some Tors , and don't tell her :laugh:

The tors look the same , has the standard , only a bit noisier , and do open it up a bit , then put the tune in and presto a different bike , and no greive from the missis .
Can you still get new TORs for a 2008? I thought I bought the last set. That being said, if they'll fit the T model, I'm willing to sell them along with the cat delete for less than cost.
