What Octane fuel do you run?

We don't have much of a choice here in the US. Everything is mixed at 10% ethanol and the corn lobby is spending a fortune to bump it to 15%.

I'll put this out there, since the octance number measurements vary across the world, let's not use the numbers. 91 RON is not the same as 91 (R+M)/2.

Most everywhere uses terms such as Regular, Mid-Grade and Premium. If we use those terms then we can talk the same language.

You are best running Regular or possibly Mid-Grade. Premium should be a no-no. It is a long standing cycling myth that you should run Premium.
I use the V-Power 93 from Shell. Use the link that blip shared, you have a ton of stations in VA that are corn free. I have been buying VP C-12 for my CRF for several years and I have filled the R3R a few times with it. It makes a slight difference in throttle response but I feel there is more top end. And it is super clean burning. I am sure it is causing fits with the O2 sensor but I haven't seen any lights yet.

Why run such high octane when the bike is not made or tuned for it?

btw, on Long Distance rides it is simply impractical to go so far out of the way to track down a corn free station that may or may not have an unattended pump.

I don't like the ethanol crap either but it is what it is.
I normally run Regular (87) but on the recent ride to Sturgis through the Rocky Mts I started to notice some so I switched over to 91 (Premium) and the pinging went away. My presumption is that the difference was altitude as I normally ride at or near seal level and the problem first appeared in the mountains. Whether altitude related or not the 91 octane solved the problem.
I dont like ethanol and when I can find E free fuel I buy it. Instead of actually riding out to all those stations, you now have the names and could possibly use a phone to check if they do or not. Unfortunately for MA residence it is hard to find. But as I looked on the pure-gas site i see there are tons of stations in VA you can get it. I thought that was good information that blip shared so I second that motion. As far as using higher octane fuels its in my blood. When I was a kid we used to go to the airports to buy fuel for our dirt and drag bikes. It made gobs of power and it is super clean. As far as the tune on these bikes that is why I use the Tune ecu and purchased a cable, so I can tune it for more power and fun. That is all, that's what I thought this forum was about. Sharing information and being constructive in our hobby. Was I wrong?

I understand the old school thoughts about high octane. Back in the carb days, it was a reasonable thing to do. With modern EFI systems the old school thoughts and myths don't apply to the average Joe. You don't sound like an average Joe so your results may be beneficial. I have to recall my own advice and remember that not all riders ride the same. My LD riding doesn't apply to others' more sport oriented riding.
Very true. But I get it. Anything to add additional power is what I tend to look for.
The gas station near my home sells 87 or 100% 91 (no ethanol), no midgrade. I choose the no ethanol gas. My old VTX ran poorly on premium gas, it had more pop to it with lower octane. I cannot tell much difference it the Rocket between premium and midgrade, maybe I just need more seat time to figure it out