What now? (bad idle and poor running)

The stepper motor is just a convenient device that allows an automatic fast idle on start up which ramps down as the engine warms. It is convenient. It also helps maintain a throttle setting when idling in gear at slow speed. Example, when I let the clutch out without adding throttle, the stepper increases the throttle to help keep the engine at that throttle setting. I think it was @warp9.9 who posted those pics last summer showing the amount of influence the stepper has on the throttle plates without interfering with the throttle cables. I would try to keep it (stepper) in place rather than remove. I often start the bike up and let it run when cold to warm up as I check it over. Don't really feel like having to manually do what I paid Triumph to provide... To each their own.
FWIW, this is exactly what the Man in the Tin Shed recommends @Neville Lush .

Pretty credible source.

Well, Kevin was "channeling" him early on in this thread and the Man in the Tin Shed did later personally advise me to trash the dang thing. Good riddance for all the trouble it has caused me.
Also glad you found the nagging problem you've been dealing with, but if it starts acting up again we'll all just have to conclude that your bike is.....

Demon possessed !
Thanks. What a fantastic site for information this is.
You are dead on. That prompted this..
Also glad you found the nagging problem you've been dealing with, but if it starts acting up again we'll all just have to conclude that your bike is.....

Demon possessed !

Well.... now that you mention it, today..... the fuel reading is going out. It's just counting down, despite fill ups.

I'm not sure it is the bike that is cursed, if you were to know my recent history....

Seriously, this bike has served me well. It pulls like a freight train.

I got it with 17,000 miles on it and now it's hitting 65k (putting on about 14k/year). It's my commuter, my tourer, and my weekend outlet.

The worst problem was having to replace the final drive recently (about two car payments for most folks). I've really got no complaints.
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OK, gonna have to get a fat lady , so she can sing....

After several days of event-free riding the problem is back. I guess that the stepper is not the issue after all.

Today, I had ridden back roads to work and then interstate back. One of those times when it seemed to be running amazing well- very ta, ta, torquey - like bring on the sport bikes! Then on the way back home I noticed that the throttle seemed a little more "catchy" at low RPMs and less able to hold a low RPM at 3k or below evenly.

Back home I stopped for gas. Btw, my fuel guage went out recently- doesn't record fillups, but continues to count down as you ride (another post, maybe?). Right after filling up it started idling roughly about a block down the street. It then killed coming to the next stop light. After restart (right away) I had to rev it up to keep it running. Then, after about 5 minutes it seemed back to normal.

I'll go back over all the suggestions, but if someone sees an obvious pattern here, please share.

I have a MAP sensor on it's way. I have new coils at the ready. I have another primary TPS that I suspected a while back and replaced, but may (?) be OK, and another new one coming soon. I have a fuel filter on hand. Where to start? I'm thinking TPS or a bad coil. What say ye fine gents?
I was hoping you had found the problem and all was well, hate throwing parts at a problem, so would suggest one thing /part at a time. I believe I would try map sensor first, might try sucking a vacuum on sensor and plug hose with your tongue to see if will hold the vacuum . Put a piece of hose on sensor to make it easier to suck on, if it will hold the vacuum would not think that was the problem. Check the plugs on each throttle body to be sure one hasn't blown off. Systematically work your way through your ideas. I've seen engines blow carbon off a cylinder and stick on plug electrode and foul that plug. Best of luck