Yep- NOPE! Coming home it started acting up again. The part about it running better is true- when it's not misbehaving. I think I may have had two things going at once and took care of one this morning- what, I don't know.
My gut says that it's the TPS. A fuel filter wouldn't act up intermittently- would it? Bad coil? Map sensor?
Remember when warp worked in bobbys stepper motor for hours in WV and it got better but not right, then bobby got home and put on another and magic problem solved. stepper can be removed so one would know and if all ok dislocated then a new one can be put on. Warp did a lot of cleaning and made better but evidently you cant fix a jacked up stepper motor.
I think map sensor or the rubber hoses or the tee.
sometimes on cars i disconnect the electrical to check the sensor it will set a code/codes and it will be hard to keep running at first but (should ? ) stay running and ecu should set a default setting that is a little rich.
i never tried this on mine but i think it is worth a try
remove the hoses from the throttle bodies hold fingers over two of them then u should be able to suck a vacuum on the third.
if it will not hold a vacuum then find a smoker to blow smoke into it to find the leak
Yeah just checking its acting normal, when you were spraying wd 40 did you check gap on stepper wheel. The only reason im saying this is the stepper can be eliminated as the issue quickly as it can be unplugged and tune ecu fixed it on roadsters where you can turn off and get no code. Alain added this feature a while back but not for tourings yet.
I think map sensor or the rubber hoses or the tee.
sometimes on cars i disconnect the electrical to check the sensor it will set a code/codes and it will be hard to keep running at first but (should ? ) stay running and ecu should set a default setting that is a little rich.
i never tried this on mine but i think it is worth a try
remove the hoses from the throttle bodies hold fingers over two of them then u should be able to suck a vacuum on the third.
if it will not hold a vacuum then find a smoker to blow smoke into it to find the leak
Yeah just checking its acting normal, when you were spraying wd 40 did you check gap on stepper wheel. The only reason im saying this is the stepper can be eliminated as the issue quickly as it can be unplugged and tune ecu fixed it on roadsters where you can turn off and get no code. Alain added this feature a while back but not for tourings yet.
I didn't check the gap- have in the past. Easy to do and will check in the morning. So, just unplug it to disable, or also remove some linkage- I haven't really looked at it to see how it operates yet. Once done I need to set idle manually, right?
Yeah initial impression is vac leak or MAP sensor prob. Interested to see what vacuum values you got, and what it does when you blip the throttle, and when you hold it at say 2000rpm then snap throttle closed