What made you buy her?

I had a super up CVO Harley Fatbob and is was strong, I thought. The dealer told me to ride this used Roadster to see what I thought. I realized the Harley was a sharp and pretty but a dog of a bike and traded it for the Triumph for a negative $10. The dealer had to give me a store credit to take the trade.

Well a year later the TFC is announced but I had little interest until the salesman gave me the details of the new machine. Wife supported the idea so I ordered one. I still have both and give both road time since they are different. It is nice that you can modify the crap out of the old one.
I was a BMW 1970's rider for 35 yrs . Meet the wife , did a lot of riding before daughter was born . Aft daughter she stopped riding . 4 yrs ago tell her I'm off to see buddy in Niagara Falls Canada. Meeting old school buddy & decided to go visit others buddy in Fort Francis Ontario . Got back home 3 wks later. Did I mention that my phone & no buddies phone worked for the time we were there . We were on an island living it up. Got back home , she really pissed & decides she wants to start riding again . That afternoon we got her a new helmet. Check out the adds , found R3T for sale 3hrs drive from home . Went to see the bike , the seller was surprised that I went to see. He said that after a month he had gotten all sorts of calls with people trying to negotiate on the phone . I had been the only one to see & inspect the bike . I did not know anything about the Triumph apart from the fact that it was a beautiful looking machine & I wasn't going to buy a Harley . ( Spent too much time helping buddies with theirs on the side of the road ). Bought it & never looked back. Ohh yea ! wife took 2 or 3 rides with me the first yr that I picked it up & has never been on it since. Been all the way to Newfoundland & back with no problem. Hitting 50000 K this week.
I bought a Rocket (in 2009) because I rode one.
I didn’t buy a Harley because I rode one (several actually).
I didn’t buy a Thunderbird because I rode a Rocket.
I didn’t buy a VTX1800 (only other bike in contention at the time) because it wasn’t a Triumph. And because I rode a Rocket.
I’m interested in people who bought a 2020 R3 who had owned Rocket(s) before and those who didn’t own the old Rocket(s). I had 2 of the old Rockets, test drove the 2020 R and GT, but didn’t buy one.
I've had two Rocket III's (Classic and Roadster). I went from 2014 Rocket III Roadster to a R3GT. Wow! Read my comments here... How Satisfied are you with your New 2020 Bike
I have had 3 honda vtx 1800's, 2002, and 2 2007's. Loved them, powerful, wonderful aftermarket exhaust, dependable and nice looking when polished. I wanted a taller sear, researched, and could not get more than an inch taller. Had seen the rockets years earlier and liked the power specs, radiator cap EXPOSED, ( honda had to remove tank) and the seat was higher. Saw the 2020 pics and really liked it! Thought to just go to dealer and sit, look at one as "maybe down the road" it would be my dream bike. Girl friend said "you are down the road", thought she is right. What am I waiting for. But still thought just look and see. I believe I bought it on sight. Had not ridden yet. Test ride was lame, had to follow someone going under speed limit. Bought anyway cause I knew the speed was there.
Hard to let the sparkly honda go, beautiful bike, but this one although not the sparkle, is superior in all aspects driving it. What good is pretty with loud sound when easy peasy speed wins the race.
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I believe your correct it’s like having a Lamborghini vs Camaro not everyone has 1 that’s my take on getting the GT plus my 07 classic was the same not your ordinary motorcycle ( Steve mc Queen would approve ) he would have 1 I bet
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I too had a 14 Fat Bob and it felt pretty torquey and enjoyed driving it. Also have a 17 T-120 and found myself only driving the T-120 Triumph because it handled soooo good in the
North Georgia mountains.. compared to the Fat Bob.. Knowing the quality of the newer Triumphs, I test rode a Rocket GT and i was smitten.. The Rocket was like going from
a John Deere tractor to a 454 Chevelle.. What torque, and in almost ANY gear. Now, i almost always gravitate to the Rocket even for short trips. I LOVE IT..
I ride with different types of riders, so i usually end up taking the bike most of the others ride, and its usually Harleys. I am slowly convincing them that the Triumph is the way to go.
The short answer is, I couldn't NOT buy it. I tried very hard to talk myself out of it. I wasn't even in the market to buy.
My wife and I both ride, and between the two of us, we have 6 (roadworthy) bikes in the garage. I'm no Rockefeller.. Only one of the bikes was purchased new and that was in 2000. My tastes have always leaned toward performance over anything else (I have a 2005 GSXR 1000), and only recently bought a cruiser (2001 Intruder 1500).
When I saw the announcement for the new Rocket 3R, it was total love at first sight. It was as if Triumph read my mind (and heart) and built this bike just for me.
Aside from the oil leak, (yes, mine is one of those), the bike has totally exceeded my expectations for performance, handling, comfort, fit and finish. Those Triumph engineers are practicing sorcery of some kind to get a bike this big and heavy to handle like it does.
Didnt hear about the oil leak problem!! Was it engine oil or gear oil?? Where was it leaking from.?