It was Liz and Martin that my wife and I had breakfast with. She had no problem backing her bike out of a parking spot and riding in the rain. Very capable rider.
It was Liz and Martin that my wife and I had breakfast with. She had no problem backing her bike out of a parking spot and riding in the rain. Very capable rider.
When I bought mine, she was literally the first Rocket I'd ever heard of/seen. I walked in to the dealership not expecting to buy anything, and rode a Rocket home. I didn't even know what I had until I talked to my uncle about it, and didn't fully know until I started riding with other people. It was lust at first sight, then infatuating love that built with every ride.
I'm 6'4'', and the Rocket was the first bike I felt like I "fit" on. It was glorious.
It was Liz and Martin that my wife and I had breakfast with. She had no problem backing her bike out of a parking spot and riding in the rain. Very capable rider.
I like lady riders! Maybe if there were more of 'em on the road, most of the rest of us wouldn't have to contend so much with the negative stereotypes of "bikers" such as it is?
You are right Pete(God bless him) was a tiny little fellar not only in height but also very lightly built ,he did have problems when parking and reversing his Rocket, but once mobile he rode with no apparent problems,a bit like jockeys riding race horses its all about skill not brute strength
Rest in peace old mate Pete,
you will always be synonymous with RDU Melbourne for me
i've always been a fan of brute force and muscle. got my rocket for my 28th birthday, i'd say i'm among the younger of rocket owners judging by the kind of lads i see with them.
there aren't many on this island, i've only ever seen 4 others, and i haven't seen one since 2011.
i saw an orange tribal original one parked outside a house one day, word on the street is a lady owned it. that would be the only female rocket rider i've heard of.
I bought my first Rocket in 2005 , actually my Lady Blue is my third one ! I wanted to change my carb 96 Tiger and I saw a grey one in the dealer shop . I was not allowed to test it , the dealer told that it were dangerous to test one on a rainy day ! But I bought her ! I change the gear pedal to the right and brake pedal to the left ( all my bikes are so since my 48 years of driving licence )
Here in France the average age of Rocket Riders is around 50 years old and up . The English and German Riders are a little younger . I made all the English , German and French Rocket Runs . I ride ASAP even during winter times . I built some attachements in order to put skis on Lady Blue so I can ride on the snow . I went to the Dark side and never go back to Metzeler . If the snow is to thick I can put chains on the rear mud & snow car tire and I made my special chain for the front wheel .
Had a New Bonneville in 1967 and 1968. When I read Cycle Worlds road test they stated " Rocket is the most powerful purpose built production bike EVER tested by CW", had to have one......