What do you do when you can't ride

Phil, I do industrial maintenance and have for most of my life. I'll look into the Inteks. I'm probably just gonna pick up the cheapest riding lawn mower I can find and use what ever is in it. I like to do these projects just for a laugh. That boat motor started out as a joke at work so I made a video to prove I did it the next day. I posted it on YouTube and started getting emails from every redneck in the country. What do you do? Did you get caught up in the big traffic jam?
If your referring to our esteemed Governor's little imbroglio on the George Washington Bridge this past summer - NO - thank the good Lord! I live in the country some 50 miles west of that hellhole... ain't much in the way of traffic or traffic lights out here.

My profession is land. I work with an eminent commercial real estate builder/developer, sourcing and researching candidate properties, bringing target property's owner(s) together with my people, negotiating for and procuring vacant land, buildings and other sorts of properties and then assembling teams of professionals to take a property through any necessary approvals processes, etc. Additionally, I am a licensed real estate agent so I do get involved on the sales, leasing and brokerage side of the house, specializing predominantly in retail, medical and professional commercial office space.

Although Intek motors are decent, it was actually Briggs & Stratton's Vanguard motor series that I meant to recommend. They are a commercial-grade line that is significantly more robust than homeowner grade stuff and are purpose-built for either horizontal or vertical applications. After Superstorm Sandy last year, I purchased a B&S portable 10Kw generator with a 16 hp Vanguard motor (made by Daihatsu) and it has really impressed me!

Info here on the newer ones: http://www.vanguardengines.com
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The high today here was 49F and sunny, but very windy, and that's cold for us down here.

I went to the range, and function tested a new handgun.

Yesterday, I played with the band.

My wife's off for the next five days; so we'll likely be riding around in her car, eating out for lunches and God only knows what else.

Thanks for the info, Phil! I would love to get my hands on a horizontal shaft engine with the electric clutch. I thought it would be cool to mount it in the floor of the boat near the transom so the old guys at the lake here will wonder how the boat with no motor is getting across the water. I've been to your area once on the Rocket. Stayed in Manhattan a couple of days and then Wilmington, Delaware with some friends for a couple more. Had a great time. Can't talk the wife into doing that ride again.
That would certainly stump the genies on your lake!

Too bad you can't talk your bride into coming back out this way. There's some truly beautiful country out here and further on up north into New England.
That would certainly stump the genies on your lake!

Too bad you can't talk your bride into coming back out this way. There's some truly beautiful country out here and further on up north into New England.
We actually flew into Boston a couple years back and rented a car near the end of October and drove to Bar Harbor and then on to Conway and back to Boston. It was beautiful up there even when stuck in a cage.
That's God's country up there for sure! Did you take the Cog Railroad ride up Mt. Washington?
Didn't make it up that far, but rode the one in Conway. Hope to do Washington next time. I have a friend at work who is from Lancaster and he is still mad at me for not riding that train.

What seat do you have on your bike? That looks really big and comfortable... IS that the Longhaul or the Classic Touring seat?
I almost wish the weather here would get crappy for a little bit. My bike would get a bath more often. But since I ride daily, it stays dirty almost constantly. I have a big ride every march. Yes, march. when the weather here is perfect. That's the time we break out the summer gloves in the morning and ride with the mesh jackets or just short sleeve shirts. Today it's going to be 77F it's almost 60F at 10:00am. I forgot my summer gloves, so I need to wear my winter gloves this afternoon for the ride home. Or I'll just not wear gloves like yesterday so I don't fill them with sweat. Have fun waxing your bikes. I guess it's a good thing I got a flat black bike. The paint would likely be oxidized by now since I don't have any cold days that force me to polish it up.