What did you do to your Rocket today?

I put mine in the infill panel and agree it seems to like the clean cool unobstructed air in that area
I did have it there too Kev , before moving it down to its current position . The hunting that I was experiencing has now completely disappeared . It definitely likes the cooler air , which is strange considering its original placement in the intake phenom . It must have got pretty warm in there ?
i bet it did but those engineers and tuners make it all work together, probably helped keep it lean, I like the use of the puke tank attachment point
I actually drilled the panel and the ait sensor sticks thru it and the filter added secures it, either way it likeys out there

Not sure about the chrome drive shaft cover there Mr Tribal, (I like black) but I do like that R/H swingarm cover, I had seen one of those on a bike in Europe, I'll have to make myself one, unless they can be bought anywhere ???
Some time ago I made a cover for the frame tube between the Engine and R/H side cover so as to cover that god awful casting there.
It's a bit hard to see in this photo, but it worked well.
In fact so well that no one ever notices.

A better shot.
Hi Paul. Those are both from Rivco and they discontinued them a long time ago.

I traded Ish a backrest & pad for the shaft cover and got super lucky and found the swing arm side on eBay for US$60 the same night.

I don’t see any listed now.

newr3 shows one for $80 but I don’t think they actually have it.
I'm quite into photography Nat, not so much as I used to be, but I'm always conscious of my reflection when taking photos in chrome, I try to minimize myself as much as possible.
Quite challenging at times !

It's alrite for you , your pretty ! I had never even considered reflections ? bout as close to a mirror as I ever get !