What did you do to your Rocket today?

Hey lets get that boot up on that stepper motor, we know how rough you are on stepper motors, tighten up boog
Funny thing that you mention that. I have slid it back in place twice now and keep finding it moved back off again after a ride. Am I missing something here or is my boot wearing out I wonder?
Funny thing that you mention that. I have slid it back in place twice now and keep finding it moved back off again after a ride. Am I missing something here or is my boot wearing out I wonder?
I had yo use a small wire tie on it.
Installed PCV and Auto-tune. Like a the man I am I scratched my head poked around to try and figure out how to make it work. Then as a last resort I looked at the manual, then after that desperate act, I read a post on here. I connected it all up let it pop, bang and splutter for a while, then after 25-50 mile it started to settle down. Now it runs so smooth.
I think the term Auto-Tune is somewhat misleading, it trims, but still need an AFR table to reference (where does that come from )
Just waiting for header to come then I'm done with performance. No don't tell me about turbos, superchargers, cams, strokers my fingers are in my ears "la-la-la-lal"
For those running pod filters ? After experimenting all summer , I believe I have now found the optimum placing for the AIT sensor . I have had it under the tank , positioned between pods 2 and 3 , positioned between pods 1 and 2 , and now finally here the hunting has disappeared and the engine runs slick as snot on a 3 year olds face !

Did you secure it there somehow or is it just hanging from the pigtail ?

Who's that in the Bearclaw ?
I put mine in the infill panel and agree it seems to like the clean cool unobstructed air in that area