What did you do to your Rocket today?

On second look , it doesn't seem that the Big Blue lifts any higher than my current set up ? Back to the drawing board !

I’m not sure how high you’re getting from your current setup Nat, but I just measured mine and at full lift, the bottom of my front wheel is 21 inches off the floor.
Friday: 5 April took bike out for first ride of season. This winter did a complete checkup Chg all oils, checked valve clearance, chg spark plugs " installed iridium plugs, they are really really great " Don't know if its because I haven't riden since November but bike feels more than new. I'm waiting for New free flow cross over from Paul Bryant, will install after Dyno before & check and see the difference after install. All this to say that I change fuel filter, found out I had a leak & had to remove the tank to repair my mess up.
Sunday today, 7 April went for a 3 hr drive all good, but cold. Left it was 3c, & cloudy. Got back 10 c and sunny. What a beautiful day
Everyone have a good & safe riding season!
Installed this week: LED headlights on Friday and the fantastic D'Ecosse keyless ignition on Saturday, and went for 3 hour ride today--finally in mid-60s, so very comfortable. I ride all year (as long as there is no ice on road and temp isn't below 0), and it felt great not to be weighed down by 13 year old Triumph winter riding jacket and pants, electric vest and glove liners, long johns, thick winter riding gloves, winter socks and boots--Bulky like the Pillsbury doughboy, but also toasty. Today all I needed was my leather jacket, jeans, and summer gloves. Practically felt naked.

Here's to some good rides this year, everyone.
Kong is sitting out there, in the garage, stuff to get done before my June run to CO and sitting here on my ass, working at my desk and wasting time here.
The weather is good - need to get my motor mojo working . . .
Rain today, no riding. I had to ride the bus Indian yesterday cause the rear tire on the Rocket is bald. I’m getting new front and back by the weekend but will be polishing the wheels while they are off.