What did you do to your Rocket today?

Got the Avon Cobra's on this week. Now new battery, oil&filter. Also got the Sena 30's for the helmets. going to be alot better riding to destinations this year!
It’s odd that carp aren’t great to eat, as that was what they were first bred in captivity for (I’ve never eaten one so I can only go by what I’ve heard). I agree that they’re not a great sport fish and it’s not a species I target much - the standard method of carp fishing seems to be to cast as far into a lake stocked with lazy, tame fish as you can and then wait in a tent until a bite alarm tells you that a carp has hooked itself, then winch it in, all whilst drinking tins of lager with your mates and boasting about the biggest fish you ever caught. It’s not my idea of fishing at all.

I will fish for carp on occasion, if a lake has a reasonable head of smaller carp then my daughter and I will stalk them and try to catch them from the surface on light tackle - far more sporting.

Generally though, I fish for smaller species with appropriate tackle, the kind of fishing which needs knowledge and some skill (both of which I have little). I fish for fun, not numbers.

I live in Newport Pagnell, in North Buckinghamshire, which is actually quite a nice town, but surrounded by decent riding (and fishing!) country.

Back on-topic, the lift is indeed a Big Blue and you’re right, it isn’t cheap, but given that I just sold my old hydraulic bench for more than I paid for it, after 12 years use, I personally think the investment worthwhile. Other opinions are available.

I’m really impressed by the build quality and the design. The ability to swap out the lifting brackets for other bikes is a good feature too. Given the cost of an accidental drop, I wanted a secure lifting option and I think this lift is that. I’m not saying that other lifts are less secure (my neighbour lifts his V-Max with a quad bike lift and is happy with that), but this is what I’m happy with. I know that it won’t let me down, and the placing of the brackets means that it always sits in the right place.

Which leads me into another point - placing the lift to line up the brackets is a little tricky, but I think that once I’ve done this a few times, I’ll know how to do it. It’s a technique, I reckon, and one I’m happy to learn. I’m stabilising the bike near-vertical with an axle stand under the highway peg, the recommended method is to use a bike grab for the front wheel which will stand the bike absolutely vertical and make placing of the brackets simple. I may buy one of these at some point but I am running out of space in the garage!
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Thanks for that . I use an ATV lift with a homemade bracket , but find I am allways stooping . Could do with something that lifts higher . I had a hydraulic work bench , but they take up too much room in the bat cave !
I'm no fisherman , but I do know that carp where a staple of the Benedictine monks in days of yore, they would keep the fish in a bath of fresh water for a couple of days to purge the mud and make them taste less earthy . One day a week , the fish would be fried as opposed to boiled or baked , hence the day Friday !
On second look , it doesn't seem that the Big Blue lifts any higher than my current set up ? Back to the drawing board !
On second look , it doesn't seem that the Big Blue lifts any higher than my current set up ?
What sir needs then - maybe - is one of these - The Bone Creepers - Tail Bone

I have the same sort of lift as sir - I found the seat on Amazon at a silly low price. I had a Field Target that I plopped on and Robert's your Fathers Brother - done.

As a plus you can have chair races on the drive.

OR! - we can come over and chop your legs off.
Today - I "invented" something I wish I'd thought of before. And without Distilled Cane Syrup assistance.

A simple bit of 3/4" by 3/16" inch (it is an old non metric bit of Ali) - 2&1/8 long - Drilled three 6mm holes spaced 20mm apart in line.

My instruments are now 20mm further over the tank - and I can reach the key now without having to take my gloves off first.

And the pics?.........

I did something similar, but I have keyless ignition and T Bars, so I actually moved mine further forward towards the windshield, so I get a better view of them over the bars.