What did you do to your Rocket today?

Took her out with the new tire. Made sure my rear brakes were working okay, first.
Then had a stupid lady in a van pulled out of a parking lot (45 mph zone) right into me, another car in the opposite lane was right there. My brakes work! Locked the back tire for a sec, then thank goodness there was the left turn lane up ahead and I was able to barely make it between both cars where the lane started to open up. I was right beside her and she still didn't see me! Maybe her kids did, dunno. I went around her and threw my hand up. I think she crapped her pants cause she stayed way behind after that. At least I could see it coming in time and I think the car coming from the other direction did too, and gave me what room he had time for. I'm just pissed as hell right now. But safe and sound. I need to get me one of those 18" air horns, my little beep just did not express how irritated I was going around that van.
What the hell happened. I see the roadway is wet so hopefully you slid and didn't get hurt. Man I hate to see that.

Fuc% ARE YOU OK? PM me if you need any help at all. Really shocked to see this. Have your dad to pm me.

Yeah, I'm a little banged up, the learning curve on the wet road bit me. I was lucky enough to be wearing a full faced helmet and leather jacket so the slide didn't hurt too bad. I was on the way to have new tires put on it, guess I was a day too late.
The skunk still runs, but I'm gonna need new windshield, 2x 4.5" lights with buckets, signal lights, front and rear engine guards, mirrors, clutch lever, and repaired or new saddle bags. It looks like riding in the rain is a little too rich for my blood for now, at least.
Thanks for the concern guys, any advice you have on getting her patched up is appreciated.
Talked to your dad. Get your Fuc&ing Knee checked out. Nothing to play with. Really hate to hear of this. I have mirrors and levers that are stock off of a rocket X. They are yours if you want them.

I hurt my girl

I feel for you, man! Glad you were able to walk away from it at least.
Sure hurts to see your bike down, though. Did that with a '78 Honda 750, I was more worried about the machine than myself.
You will probably be quite stiff and achy for a week or two, so just take it easy!!!
Bad luck mate pleased you are okay and bike is only a little bit dinged up.

I was looking at my rear tire and wondering if I can get another 1000 miles out of it.

But now not so sure I should wait that long!