Took her out with the new tire. Made sure my rear brakes were working okay, first.
Then had a stupid lady in a van pulled out of a parking lot (45 mph zone) right into me, another car in the opposite lane was right there. My brakes work! Locked the back tire for a sec, then thank goodness there was the left turn lane up ahead and I was able to barely make it between both cars where the lane started to open up. I was right beside her and she still didn't see me! Maybe her kids did, dunno. I went around her and threw my hand up. I think she crapped her pants cause she stayed way behind after that. At least I could see it coming in time and I think the car coming from the other direction did too, and gave me what room he had time for. I'm just pissed as hell right now. But safe and sound. I need to get me one of those 18" air horns, my little beep just did not express how irritated I was going around that van.