What did you do to your Rocket today?

There's lots of Rocket Action going on here - passing the MOT is always a smile for me, so congrats on that Stavros. Ragging, commuting, flagellating, just simple riding, polishing or looking at. Is there anybody here who doesn't love their Rocket?

Where in Yorkshire are you TattooMick? Family Browne have just been on a week's holiday at Pocklington, near to York - had a great result with the weather and all very relaxing - we love Yorkshire and it's one of the places on my "to retire to" list in the next few years. It's a bit like France though (another one of my retirement options) - lovely place, but the locals! (joke!)

Babagris - I absolutely will take some pics or a video of the lift process, I have to perfect the only tricky bit of the process - the placement of the rear engine bracket. There are two bolts which go through the holes in the frame where you'd expect a mainstand to bolt through. Placing the lift is a bit fiddly for me at the moment, probably because I've only done it twice so far and I'm not using a wheel stand to get the bike dead upright. After that it's a simple case of growing a pair and hitting the trigger on the drill.

Having said that, the lift started to pay for itself yesterday - it's a bit of a long story, but I was concerned about the footboard rubbing against the main column when I first assembled the lift, so I adjusted the placement of the rear bracket to move the bike out by an inch or so. Yesterday I spoke with David at Quasar to ask a couple of questions, including one about my adjustment - he confirmed my suspicions that the bracket really shouldn't be moved and the main lifting arm needed to be in line with an imaginary line between the centre of the wheels.

I adjusted the bracket and lifted the bike again to check. Whilst I was underneath the bike, I span the wheels to check the brakes weren't binding and noticed a shiny metal spot on the rear tyre. You all know that feeling when you see something sticking out of the tyre? I loosened it with a screwdriver and pulled it out with pliers. It was the remains of a nail which was long enough to eventually penetrate the tyre and, at best, cause the inconvenience of a puncture, at worst a rapid deflation whilst riding at motorway speeds. Given the location of the nail, it would probably be a new tyre whatever the speed of travel during deflation.

Time wasted, money spent and possibly a far worse result - all avoided. Thank you Big Blue!
Richard Browne I'm in a place called liversedge in the middle of Leeds and Bradford , pocklington is a much nicer place than here ha ha . But I am only 30mins ride away from stunning roads in any direction I go so that is a plus, my wife's dad moved to France 4 years ago and loves it he owns a huge lake and runs his fishing business, we go over often to visit and it's bliss the roads are amazing and you hardly see a car or bike, he is in a place called chalus in the limousin region. And must say the locals are much nicer than the Yorkshire locals ha ha . Well especially if you have me as a local. Ha. Plus one on Stavros with passing the mot well-done pal.
I feel for you with the nail in the tyre but at least you noticed it before it caught you out. What part of the UK is you Richard. Regards Mick .
What is the make and price of that lift , I can't understand how I have survived this long without one ? I keep getting to my bat cave, get my head around what needs to be done and then the phone rings . Life is conspiring against my rocket time . Hats off to all you who have managed to balance work , wimmin and garage time . How do you do it ? I can't seem to find enough hours in the day , could do with some elves !

Tell me it is not this place!

Lac Cimes Exclusive Carp Fishing Lake In France

Carp are considered vermin here in OZ. Besides they must be the most boring catch of all. Just drag the slugs in.

Australia has obtained and is planning to release a virus to wipe them out in their millions.
The biggest problem they are trying to work out is what to do with the literally 100,000 tonnes plus in many multiple locations that will die and pollute the water ways.
Ishrub no that is not the place, well I'm no fisher man pal don't know the first thing about it all. I just like eating fish ha ha .
Ishrub no that is not the place, well I'm no fisher man pal don't know the first thing about it all. I just like eating fish ha ha .

Do not eat carp unless you are in a famine!
Some strange Europeans and Asians may disagree but they got accustomed to eat mud tasting rank bony stuff during famines.

Caught commercially here and ground up as as fertilizer.