What did you do to your Rocket today?


Got rained out @ work this morning, had a nice breakfast on the way home, took the bike to the carwash to give it a necessary bath after the Maggie valley trip, is it bike abuse when you're at home for almost a week and not having washed the bike yet?
I guess I'm just a lazy puck
Daily walk around found my brake light was out, swapped in the spare.
Thx to @Slim Pickens for the mirrors. Got them installed and my new daymakers. Also got some posi-taps and redid the wiring for my signal minder. So hopefully no more hiccups


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Changed the oil a little under interval in prep for a 1,400 mile trip on Monday.

Threw in my long awaiting to be tried out Amsoil AME.
Claviger; In another thread you explained experimenting with a primary tps voltage of 63 and stepper motor voltage of 75.
I set my 07 Classic with this 63/75 combo and bodies at 620/610/610. It works! My idle is set at 950 which feels high. Going to try 900 rpm. How low is OK before risking lack of oil flow? The idle sets down fast and stable at throttle closure and goes into correct idle fast at cold and hot starts. No 2000 rpm spells today. Best set up Iv had on the bike. The pleasure of and predictable throttle... Ahhhhhh The bike seems more willing to hold 4000 and climb to 6000+ from there. Also tightened the RamAir rubber at the intakes. They were left loose by the shop and were leaking.

Ill bring my PC to Leakey and we can play with these variables if these is free time.