What can I do about my azz end?

While you are explaining to him how smart you are, you can teach him how to tell the difference between energy drinks, and octane boost.
While you are explaining to him how smart you are, you can teach him how to tell the difference between energy drinks, and octane boost.
Tough crowd. I have saved that bottle as a souvenir and a reminder to take a bit more care.

Side mounted license plate (Horizontal or Vertical) with Kuryakn Bullet LED lights that screw right into the existing bolts (Needs the thread convertor from Kuryakn but works great). Cleaner rear end than a Charmin' commercial!

Brilliant minds think alike! I have Kellerman LED's bolted to hole in side reflectors.

As an aside, someone once told me these blinkers were too small for NY DOT code (another "Rule of Thumb" - if you can cover turn signals up with your thumb they are illegal).
I was never able to confirm that, always pass inspections, and never got ticketed for them...

This IS in code mv-529b : "One reflector must be displayed to the rear of the vehicle (may be a part of the tail lamp)"
They don't check for that on the yearly inspection.